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SIS 与客户之间的关系是我们公司的重要资产。我们致力于保护您的机密信息,努力维护您的信心和信任。我们不会也不会向任何人披露任何个人信息,除非根据您的指示、为您的帐户提供服务需要、法律要求或保护我们的权利需要。我们不会在我们的网站或其他地方收集或存储您的个人身份信息,除非您自愿向我们提供该信息。当您下订单、开立账户、注册服务或新闻通讯、与网站所有者或客户服务部门沟通、回复调查或向我们发送电子邮件时,您向我们提供了我们可能收集的信息。此类信息可能包括您的姓名、地址、电子邮件、电话号码、信用卡信息、订阅和表格下载。我们将您提供的所有信息视为机密。仅出于统计目的,我们的互联网服务提供商的服务器会收集有关何时访问我们的网站、您在访问我们的网站之前来自的网站名称、访问了哪些页面以及您使用了哪种浏览器的技术(或非个人身份)信息。我们无法获取电子邮件地址和其他个人身份信息。我们可能会在网站上启用“cookies”。

Please be advised that completing an online survey does not automatically qualify you for participation in any of our studies, nor does it entitle you to any compensation whatsoever. You agree to waive any and all claims for compensation from pre-screening surveys.  After you complete one of our pre-screeners or surveys, our fieldwork team may review your responses and potentially reach out to you should you meet the criteria for a particular study.  You agree to opt-in to receiving future communication from us by filling out any forms, pre-screeners or questionnaires.  SIS reserves the right to cancel participation in a study at any time for any reason.


有时,我们可能会根据有效的法院命令、传票、政府调查或法律的其他要求提供个人信息。除非法律禁止,否则我们会在发布此类信息之前通知您。当然,本隐私政策不适用于可通过 www.sisinternational.com 访问的其他网站。


SMS Terms & Conditions

 At SIS International Research, we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal data is handled securely and transparently. This information to our privacy policy reflects our compliance with The Campaign Registry (TCR) requirements and explains how we handle SMS communication data.

Information Usage and SharingInformation obtained as part of the SMS consent process will be used solely to provide SMS-based services. This information will not be shared with third parties except as necessary to deliver the SMS service or as required by law.

Types of SMS CommunicationsWith your express consent, we may send text messages for the following purposes:

  • Scheduling your participation in focus groups, surveys, or research interviews.
  • Providing reminders and updates related to your scheduled participation.

Standard Messaging Disclosures

Message and data rates may apply, depending on your mobile carrier and plan.

You may opt-out of receiving SMS messages at any time by texting “STOP” to the number from which you received the message.

For assistance, text “HELP” or visit our website at https://www.sisinternational.com.


本隐私政策适用于我们自 2000 年 9 月 5 日开始收集数据之日起收集的所有数据。


SIS 国际研究
东 22 街 11 号 2 楼
New York, NY 10010 USA
E-Mail: research  [at]  sisinternational.com



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