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Sensory profiling is not just about identifying what consumers like or dislike; it’s about understanding the ‘why’ behind their preferences. In the ever-evolving world of market research, the techniques used to understand consumers’ preferences are evolving, too. One such emerging methodology is sensory profiling market research. By understanding how consumers perceive and interact with products across various senses, companies can develop and market their products at all levels – including a sensory level.

What Is Sensory Profiling Market Research?




Why Is Sensory Profiling Market Research Important?

It provides detailed insights into how consumers perceive the sensory characteristics of products, such as taste, aroma, texture, and appearance. By identifying unique sensory attributes that appeal to consumers, businesses can develop products that stand out from the competition and offer a unique selling proposition.



What Are the Benefits of Sensory Profiling Market Research?

This market research offers numerous benefits for businesses across various industries. By delving into products’ sensory attributes, companies can gain valuable insights that drive innovation, enhance consumer satisfaction, and bolster market success.

  • 增强产品吸引力: 研究使企业能够了解目标受众的感官偏好,从而让他们能够微调产品的属性,例如味道、质地、香气和外观。
  • 战略产品定位: 感官分析提供了在营销活动中突出这些独特属性、区分产品和竞争对手以及吸引消费者注意力所需的数据。
  • 明智的决策: 它为企业提供实证数据,减少产品开发和营销中的猜测。这种数据驱动的方法可以做出更明智的决策,确保资源得到有效分配,战略符合消费者的偏好。
  • 提高消费者满意度: 基于感官分析开发的产品更有可能满足或超出消费者的期望。这会带来更高的满意度、积极的口碑和重复购买,从而有助于提高品牌声誉和增加市场份额。
  • 敏捷创新: 企业可以通过不断调整产品以满足不断变化的消费者偏好来保持领先地位,确保长期的市场相关性和成功。

Sensory Profiling Vs Taste testing

Sensory profiling and taste testing are valuable methods for evaluating products, but they serve different purposes and are conducted in various ways. Understanding the differences between these approaches can help select the appropriate method for specific research or product development objectives.




Sensory profiling is a scientific method used to describe and quantify the sensory characteristics of a product. It involves a panel of trained assessors who have been taught to identify and evaluate the intensity of specific sensory attributes. These attributes include appearance, aroma, flavor, texture, and aftertaste. It aims to objectively analyze a product’s sensory attributes, using standardized methods to ensure consistency and repeatability. The results can help understand a product’s sensory footprint, guide product development, ensure quality control, and compare products in a competitive landscape.



Sensory Market Research tests brain waves, heart rates, and skin responses to your products. This sensory research can give us a broader picture of consumers’ responses to your products and services. We can deliver not only the data but also heat maps, which are valuable in determining the product features, pricing, packaging, and positioning of your products in domestic and global markets.


  • 技术整合: 人工智能和机器学习正在进军感官分析市场研究。这些工具可以快速分析大量数据,识别出人类评估者可能忽略的模式和细微差别。此外,虚拟现实可以在受控环境中复制和研究感官体验。
  • 强调情感联系: 这项市场研究越来越关注产品与消费者之间建立的情感联系。了解这些情感触发因素可以帮助企业打造更具吸引力和令人难忘的产品体验。
  • 跨感官评估: 感官评价不再局限于单一感官,跨感官评价的趋势正在日益增长。这种方法考虑了多种感官如何相互作用和影响,从而更全面地了解消费者的体验。
  • 个性化的感官体验: 随着消费者越来越追求个性化体验,感官分析市场研究也不断发展,以反映个人感官偏好。这可能会影响香水或美食等行业的定制产品推荐。
  • 增强培训和认证: 认识到感官评估的复杂性,人们越来越重视对参与感官分析市场研究的小组成员进行严格的培训和认证。这确保了所得结果的一致性、可靠性和准确性。

Sensory Profiling Market Research and Its Impact on Market Industries


  • 食品与饮品: 该行业是感官分析的先行者。雀巢、可口可乐和卡夫亨氏等公司都依靠感官洞察来开发新口味、改进产品配方,并确保口味和质地的一致性。
  • 化妆品和个人护理: 香味、质地和使用体验等感官属性对这个行业至关重要。欧莱雅、雅诗兰黛和宝洁等品牌利用感官分析来创造提供令人愉悦和难忘的感官体验的产品,从而提高消费者忠诚度和品牌差异化。
  • 药品: 味觉和嗅觉等感官特征会显著影响患者服药的依从性。辉瑞、诺华和葛兰素史克等制药公司采用感官分析来开发可口的配方,从而提高其产品的有效性。
  • 家庭护理产品: 家用护理产品(包括清洁剂和空气清新剂)的感官吸引力是消费者做出选择的关键因素。联合利华、庄臣和利洁时等公司都使用感官分析来优化其产品的气味和功效。
  • 汽车行业: 感官分析评估车内的触觉、视觉和听觉体验。丰田、宝马和福特等汽车制造商注重感官方面,例如材料触感、车舱噪音和发动机声音,以提升整体驾驶体验。
  • 纺织品和服装: 面料触感、舒适度和合身度等感官属性对这个行业至关重要。耐克、阿迪达斯和 Zara 等品牌使用感官分析来开发外观精美且能提供令人满意的感官体验的服装和鞋类。

When is the Right Time to Conduct Sensory profiling market research


  • 产品配方: 在修改现有产品时,感官分析可以帮助评估成分、包装或生产流程的变化如何影响其感官特性。这可确保重新配制的产品继续满足或超出消费者的期望。
  • 质量控制: 定期感官分析可以作为质量控制计划的一部分,以确保产品长期保持一致。这对于食品和饮料产品尤其重要,因为味道或质地的细微变化会严重影响消费者的满意度。
  • 竞争分析: 了解竞争对手产品的感官属性可以为差异化和定位提供宝贵的见解。研究可以帮助确定产品可以改进的地方,或突出可以在营销工作中强调的独特功能。
  • 消费者反馈: 产品发布后,感官分析可以收集有关其感官属性的反馈。这可以为未来的产品开发提供参考,并帮助解决可能影响消费者满意度的任何问题。

Advantages of SIS International’s Sensory Profiling Market Research

实施全面的感官分析市场研究可以为企业带来一系列积极成果。以下是企业利用 SIS 感官分析市场研究可以预期的一些结果:

  • 深入了解感官偏好: 企业有望详细了解目标消费者最为看重的感官属性。这包括对口味、质地、香气和外观的偏好,这些可以为产品开发和营销策略提供参考。
  • 数据驱动的产品开发: 借助从感官分析中获得的见解,公司可以就产品配方、包装和展示做出明智的决定。这种数据驱动的方法可确保新产品的设计考虑到消费者的偏好,从而增加市场成功的可能性。
  • 提高消费者满意度: By aligning products with consumer sensory preferences, businesses can enhance overall consumer satisfaction. Satisfied consumers are likelier to become loyal customers, leading to repeat purchases and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.
  • 竞争优势: Sensory profiling can provide a competitive edge by identifying unique sensory attributes that differentiate a company’s products from its competitors. This can be key in standing out in a crowded market and attracting consumer attention.
  • 明智的营销和品牌推广: The insights from sensory profiling can inform marketing and branding efforts, allowing companies to highlight their products’ sensory benefits. This can enhance brand perception and appeal to consumers seeking specific sensory experiences.
  • 增加市场份额: 企业可以通过提供满足或超出消费者感官期望的产品来增加市场份额。满意的消费者更有可能选择这些产品而不是竞争对手的产品,从而推动销售和收入增长。



  • 产品开发和改进: 市场研究提供了消费者如何看待产品感官属性的直接反馈。这些数据对企业至关重要,可以指导他们调整产品配方或新设计。
  • 多样化的产品组合: Sensory insights can reveal niche sensory preferences, allowing businesses to diversify their product ranges. For instance, a food company might discover a segment of consumers who prefer spicier or more aromatic flavors, leading to the development of a new product line.
  • 创新营销活动: 通过感官分析市场研究洞察,品牌可以制定直接迎合消费者感官偏好的营销活动,从而开展更有效、更有影响力的活动。
    探索新市场: 感官偏好因地区、文化和人口结构而异。通过了解这些差异,企业可以在进入新市场时定制其产品或精准定位目标人群。
  • 成本效益: Sensory profiling can also be a tool for cost management. For example, suppose research shows that consumers cannot differentiate between a costly ingredient and a more affordable alternative in a product. In that case, businesses can make cost-effective substitutions without compromising perceived quality.
  • 实时适应性: 借助现代感官分析技术,企业可以获得有关产品发布或变化的几乎实时的反馈,从而能够迅速适应市场反馈。



  • 标准化: 感官分析市场研究的主要问题之一是小组和方法缺乏标准化。不同的小组对感官属性的感知和评级方式可能不同,这使得比较不同研究的结果变得很困难。
  • 招聘和培训: 建立一支稳定可靠的测试小组对于有效的感官分析市场研究至关重要。然而,招募合适的小组成员、确保他们没有感官障碍并对他们进行培训可能既耗时又费钱。
  • 主观性: While trained panelists aim to provide objective assessments, personal biases, and preferences can sometimes skew results. Because this market research is so subjective, obtaining consistent results from multiple studies is difficult, which can lead to confusing data with varying outcomes.
  • 耗时的过程: 全面的感官分析可能是一个漫长的过程,特别是如果它涉及大量的小组成员培训、多次会议或大量样品,那么这将是一个复杂而耗时的过程。
  • 成本: Comprehensive sensory profiling can be costly, especially when employing state-of-the-art technologies or extensive panels. Small and medium enterprises may find it challenging to allocate a sufficient budget for such research.
  • 文化差异: 随着企业全球化扩张,了解不同文化的感官偏好变得至关重要。然而,这也带来了如何驾驭和理解不同消费者群体的不同感官倾向的挑战。
  • 紧跟技术进步: 感官分析市场研究领域正在快速发展,新技术和新方法层出不穷。企业必须与时俱进才能保持竞争力,而这可能充满挑战且耗费大量资源。



  • 先进技术的集成: 人工智能 (AI)、机器学习和虚拟现实 (VR) 等技术有望在感官分析中发挥重要作用。人工智能和机器学习可以帮助更有效地分析复杂的感官数据,而 VR 则可以为测试和评估创造身临其境的感官体验。
  • 个性化和定制: 随着消费者对个性化产品的需求不断增长,感官分析对于根据个人喜好定制产品将变得越来越重要。企业必须专注于了解细分市场甚至个人消费者的感官偏好。
  • Expanding into New Industries: Sensory profiling will likely expand beyond traditional sectors like food and cosmetics into new industries such as healthcare, technology, and services. This expansion will open new business opportunities to leverage sensory insights for product and service innovation.
  • 实时感官反馈: 技术的进步可能实现产品开发和测试期间的实时感官反馈,使企业能够根据消费者的反应立即做出调整。

How SIS International Sensory Profiling Market Research Helps Businesses

SIS 的感官分析市场研究提供了一套全面的服务,可显著造福各行各业的企业。SIS International 在感官分析方面的专业知识可帮助企业实现以下目标:

  • 定制感官解决方案: SIS International provides tailored sensory profiling solutions that align with each business’s needs and goals. This personalized approach ensures the research is focused and relevant, delivering actionable insights for product development and marketing.
  • 感官分析专业知识: With a team of experienced sensory analysts, SIS International offers an in-depth understanding and interpretation of sensory data. This expertise ensures businesses receive accurate and meaningful insights into their products’ sensory attributes.
  • 先进的研究方法: SIS International 使用最先进的研究方法和技术,提供精确可靠的感官分析结果。这包括使用先进的测试设施、感官小组和数据分析工具。
  • 全球范围: SIS International 的全球业务使企业能够同时在多个市场开展感官分析研究。这对于希望拓展国际业务并了解区域感官偏好的公司尤其有价值。
  • 与市场研究的整合: Sensory profiling is often integrated with SIS International’s broader market research services. This holistic approach provides a comprehensive understanding of the market, consumer behavior, and sensory preferences, enabling informed decision-making.
  • 创新产品开发: SIS International 帮助企业发现新产品或现有产品的改进机会,确保它们在感官层面上引起消费者的共鸣。
  • 竞争优势: Businesses can gain an edge by leveraging SIS International’s sensory profiling market research. Understanding and catering to sensory preferences can increase consumer satisfaction, loyalty, and market share.

关于 SIS 国际

SIS 国际 提供定量、定性和战略研究。我们提供决策所需的数据、工具、战略、报告和见解。我们还进行访谈、调查、焦点小组和其他市场研究方法和途径。 联系我们 为您的下一个市场研究项目提供帮助。

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