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日本是全球最具影响力和最广阔的市场之一。日本人口超过 1.25 亿,生活质量高,为有意扩大客户群的企业提供了大量机会。

Focus group market research in Japan aims to gather a group of individuals to discuss a specific product or service, with the intention of analyzing the opinions and behaviors of consumers in Japanese society.

Thus, gaining an understanding of the Japanese market is essential for business success in Japan, and conducting focus groups can be beneficial in uncovering consumer preferences, shopping behavior, and attitudes toward advertising. By collecting feedback directly from customers, corporations can obtain a clearer understanding of the market and make informed decisions regarding product development and marketing strategies to expand into the Japanese market.


Appreciating Japan’s distinct market and cultural environment is essential for ensuring success in focus group market research.




  • 企业可以全面了解日本消费者的观点、信念和行为。这些信息对于产品设计、营销和广告等决策非常有价值。
  • Conducting focus group market research in Japan delivers in-depth insight into the cultural components that shape Japanese consumers’ buying behavior. This understanding is fundamental to creating products tailored to Japanese customers’ needs.
  • 焦点小组可以提供一种经济有效的方式来洞察日本市场,从而节省宝贵的财政资源,用于其他活动。


  • 在日本,集体协议受到高度重视。因此,个人可能不愿表达自己的想法或挑战他人的观点。为了确保对话积极进行,主持人必须营造一种尊重的氛围并接受所有观点。
  • In Japanese communication, indirect and nuanced communication is common. Participants may rely on subtle language, pauses, or other nonverbal signals to express their thoughts. Moderators should be attentive to these signals and ask probing questions to clarify the responses.
  • 日本社会等级森严,尊重权威和资历。因此,在与职位较高或经验较丰富的人交谈时,参与者可能会比较内敛。
  • The protection of privacy is important for Japanese focus group participants. Moderators should be aware of this and guarantee that participants feel secure voicing their opinions.


When undertaking focus group market research in Japan, companies should be mindful of the potential challenges and considerations that may be encountered. The following are some key elements to consider:

  • 为了在日本成功开展焦点小组市场研究,熟练掌握日语至关重要。这包括口头、书面和阅读能力。没有日语人员的公司可能需要口译员或与当地研究公司合作完成研究。
  • Companies must be aware of the distinctive characteristics of Japanese culture when conducting focus group market research in Japan because potential cultural discrepancies may arise. If these cultural differences are not recognized and addressed, the resulting data may be incomplete or inaccurate.
  • 对于不熟悉当地市场的人来说,在日本招募合适的焦点小组市场研究参与者可能很困难。这些公司可能需要当地研究公司的帮助或利用社交媒体和其他在线平台。
  • Securing an appropriate venue for focus group research in Japan can be difficult, particularly in densely populated urban areas. Businesses must ensure that the site is conveniently accessible to participants and equipped with the necessary amenities and equipment to conduct the research.


When considering locations for focus group market research in Japan, various cities are particularly suitable for the task such as:

  • 东京: 东京是日本经济和文化生活的中心,拥有大量具有代表性的日本消费者样本,是焦点小组研究的理想地点。该市拥有众多初创企业、大型企业和研究机构,为焦点小组研究提供了一个高度多样化和创新的消费者市场。
  • 大阪: 作为日本的主要经济中心和第二大都市区,大阪因其独特的文化和消费市场为进行焦点小组研究的公司提供了宝贵的见解。此外,关西科学城是一个大型研发综合体,是国家先进工业科学技术研究所等著名研究机构的所在地。这个先进的技术和材料中心非常适合在科学和技术领域进行焦点小组研究。
  • 京都: 京都以其丰富的文化景点而闻名,而且它也是受过良好教育、富裕的消费者的家园,这使得它成为寻求开展焦点小组研究的公司的理想之地。
  • 名古屋: Situated in the heart of Japan, Nagoya is a hub for its manufacturing and industrial sectors. It boasts a broad and emblematic consumer base and provides a distinctive outlook on the requirements and preferences of Japanese customers, particularly in the automotive and electronics industries.

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