The economic potential of Latin America is undeniable. It is an area with a great wealth of human and natural resources. Latin America displayed a surprising dynamism and did not devolve into crisis. Ongoing societal and economic reinvigoration continues as the area pushes towards increased competitiveness and productivity and toward the further alleviation of poverty.
Some growing industries in Latin America include Consumer Goods, Food and Beverage, and Retail due to the rising per capita income in many of these countries. Another rising industry is construction and real estate due to the heavy emphasis on building infrastructure. Tourism is increasingly showing an upward trend, and it can become a major part of an economy’s GDP every year.
Politicians in Brazil and Argentina are presently embracing populist political positions that appeal to their populations but not as much to foreign and domestic investors. Latin America needs more skilled workers. This weakness also presents potential opportunities for FDIs to invest in technical and vocational training programs to upgrade and improve the workforce.
SIS 国际研究公司在拉丁美洲投资多年,致力于市场研究工作,帮助我们的客户了解不断变化的市场并弥合文化鸿沟,促进投资企业的成功。