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However, its economic activities still revolve around the same sectors. With a huge part of the population being youthful, there is both potential and a demand for more growth.


Egypt’s market is distinguished by its youthful demographic, with a large portion of the population under 30. This young demographic is tech-savvy and increasingly urban and is driving changes in consumer behavior and market trends. 




• 识别市场机会: Egypt’s evolving market landscape presents numerous opportunities, and market research helps identify them, whether in emerging consumer trends, unmet needs, or new market segments.

• 量身定制的营销策略: 市场研究的见解指导着制定与埃及观众产生共鸣的营销策略,确保文化相关性和有效性。

• 产品开发与创新: 市场研究为产品开发过程提供信息,确保新产品或服务能够满足埃及市场的偏好和需求。

• 法规遵从和理解: 了解埃及的监管环境可能非常复杂。因此,市场研究有助于理解这些法规,确保合规性和运营效率。

• 了解多样化的消费者群体: 埃及人口多样化,生活方式、收入水平和消费行为各异,市场研究有助于了解这些不同的消费者群体,这对于定制产品和服务至关重要。

• 竞争格局: The Egyptian market is becoming increasingly competitive with the entry of new local and international players. Research helps in understanding the competitive environment, allowing businesses to strategize effectively.

• 应对经济波动: 埃及的经济经历了各种波动,市场研究有助于了解这些经济模式及其对消费者支出和商业机会的影响。

• 定制营销策略: 从市场研究中获得的见解对于制定与埃及观众产生共鸣的有效营销策略非常有价值,可确保更好的参与度和投资回报率。


Despite being mostly a desert country, Egypt has several industries driving its economy. Here are the top three.

1. 石油和天然气

作为全球石油生产的重要参与者,埃及估计拥有近 40 亿桶石油储量,严重依赖该行业。该国拥有 12 家炼油厂,旨在实现石油加工方面的自给自足。

埃及也是一个天然气生产国,并通过 1,200 公里长的阿拉伯天然气管道将部分天然气出口到中东。


Tourism is a big part of Egypt’s economy, and the Pyramids of Giza are the main attractions. Other tourist attractions in Egypt include the Egyptian Museum, which houses at least 120,000 Egyptian antiquities; Abu Simbel, an archaeological site with two rock-cut temples; and cruising the Nile.


The vast desert of Egypt gets some relief from the Nile River. The country’s agricultural sector thrives on the fertile grounds of the Nile valley and delta.

With millions of acres of productive land, Egypt produces rice, wheat, cotton, sugarcane, tobacco, and onions. However, as impressive as the industry is, it doesn’t satisfy the local demand.



• 沃达丰埃及: 埃及领先的移动运营商,以其广泛的网络和范围的服务而闻名。

• 埃及国家银行: 该国最大、历史最悠久的银行,在埃及金融领域发挥着举足轻重的作用。

• 国际商业银行 (CIB): 一家大型私营银行,以其创新的银行服务而闻名。

• Talaat Moustafa 集团: 一家领先的房地产开发商,参与大型住宅和商业项目。

• Orascom 建筑公司: 一家在埃及有重要业务的全球工程建筑公司。

• 埃及淀粉和葡萄糖公司: 专门生产淀粉和葡萄糖,反映了农业在埃及经济中的重要性。

• El Sewedy Electric: 电气设备制造和综合能源解决方案提供商的主要企业。

• El Araby 集团: 一家领先的电子和家用电器制造商,在埃及市场占有重要地位。

• 马吉德·阿尔·富塔伊姆: 经营主要的购物中心和大型超市,塑造埃及的零售格局。



• 吉萨大金字塔和狮身人面像: 标志性的古代奇迹吸引了世界各地数百万游客。

• 埃及博物馆: 收藏大量古埃及文物,包括图坦卡蒙的宝藏。

• 帝王谷: 以古埃及法老的陵墓和墓室而闻名。

• 卡纳克神庙: 世界上最大的宗教建筑之一,以其令人惊叹的建筑而闻名。

• 阿布辛贝神庙: 巨大的岩石寺庙最初是在法老拉美西斯二世统治时期雕刻而成的。

• 阿斯旺大坝和纳赛尔湖: 具有重要历史意义的现代工程奇迹。

• 亚历山大图书馆: 一座现代化的图书馆和文化中心,向古老的亚历山大图书馆致敬。

• 沙姆沙伊赫和赫尔格达: 热门的海滩度假胜地以其美丽的海滩、珊瑚礁以及潜水和浮潜等水上运动而闻名。



• 数字化转型: Egypt is experiencing a significant shift towards digitalization, with increased online activity, e-commerce growth, and digital payment adoption. This trend affects consumer shopping habits, media consumption, and business operations.

• 零售行业的发展: 随着线上线下渠道的融合,零售格局正在发生变化,带动全渠道零售的增长和客户体验的提升。

• 年轻人对市场趋势的影响: Egypt has a large youth population, and trends among young Egyptians, particularly in technology use, fashion, and entertainment, are significantly influencing market dynamics.

• 更加注重本地制造: Government initiatives and policies are driving a trend toward boosting local manufacturing across various industries.


Egypt offers unique opportunities for business investors, although these might not be the same in traditional fields.

1. 旅游和旅行

作为国家 GDP 的主要贡献者,任何与旅游相关的业务都必定会带来丰厚的回报。一个非常可行的投资选择是旅游和旅行子行业。

A smart way to win the game would be to advertise in countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Europe, where most tourists come from. Businesses can also partner with international tours and travel companies and “exchange” tourists to guarantee business flow.

2. 农业

There is a huge demand for food in the local market. Grains are a staple among Egyptian households, so investors who can produce them with minimum water resources can thrive.


3. 信息通信技术

Over 50% of Egypt’s population is under 25. This population group is tech-savvy and a potential supply of talent for tech-related businesses. Egypt is also a leader in outsourcing services in the region.

The government is working to improve the country’s ICT infrastructure, which will create a favorable environment for IT-related businesses to grow.


Financial services are necessary to grow the economy. From banking and insurance to leasing, providing funding and financial advice encourages innovation.

Financial assets also need to be priced, and the overall economic development must be determined. Since capital markets accurately reflect an economy’s performance, providing these services makes business sense.



Corruption has also affected businesses in Egypt. Favoritism pushes businesses to engage in corruption so as to survive. Middlemen provide “connections” to help navigate the complex government bureaucracy, which makes it challenging for new or small businesses to succeed. 其他一些挑战包括:

• 经济波动: 埃及的经济可能会发生波动,这可能会影响消费者的消费习惯和市场动态。

• 政治格局动荡不安: 政治不稳定时期可能会影响商业运营和投资环境。

• 基础设施挑战: 一些地区可能存在基础设施限制,影响物流和配送。

• 安全问题: 可能会出现安全问题,特别是在某些地区,这可能会影响业务运营。

• 访问数据: 获取可靠且最新的数据可能是一个挑战,需要彻底的研究和当地的合作。

• 天赋和技能: 在某些行业中,寻找熟练的本地人才进行市场研究和业务运营可能是一项挑战。



Egypt’s businesses thrive in the tourism and agriculture sectors. The best areas for tourism-related businesses are Cairo, Giza, and Luxor. Sugarcane production is also a business option in Luxor.

Suez’s refineries are good for oil-related businesses. Tanta and El-Mahalla El-Kubra are the best locations for agriculture and textile manufacturing businesses.


Businesses must unlock key insights about a market before making an investment. At SIS International Research, we help businesses conduct market research through methods such as surveys, focus groups, online communities, and voice-of-the-customer research.

We aim to empower businesses to start well and have a growth strategy in place.

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