

What is Policy Elite Market Research?

“Policy elites” are the state actors who shape a country’s policy-making process. The term stems from the ‘elite theory.’ This theory suggests that public policy reflects the interests of ruling elites. The elite theory divides society into two main parts. There are the few who have power and the many who don’t.

Power has little to do with what happens on Election Day. Instead, it lies with a small group of people known as the elites. This group includes people of wealth. It also includes the thinkers and those with other skills. They are the ones with power, and they form the upper class. The wealth they hold allows them to gain key positions. Because of their role, they are the ones who make decisions and share out resources. They use this role to their benefit.


Policy elites play a crucial role. They create the policies and make decisions. They also help to teach/brainwash the masses in politics. Furthermore, they help set up specific model standards in society.

Many authors claim that elites are the key to the success of major shifts in society. They can influence both the economy and civil society. We need these factors for the government and other organs of society to function.

Civil society calls for a stable democratic state. The elites create the space for civil society to thrive outside of the state. Thus, they control this space, while allowing civil society to be self-governing.

Elites can also use their power to force a political shift. First, the elite needs to mobilize the people. Once this occurs, elites can bend the masses to suit their will.


In general, elites hold some of the highest positions in the political system. These include economists, presidents, and ministers. Top bureaucrats, members of Congress, and diplomats are other vital roles. Party leaders also fall under this group. Elites may come from high-status jobs, including lawyers, teachers, and managers. They work in both the public or private sectors. Self-made business owners are another example.

Why Businesses Need Policy Elites

When an elite makes policy choices, these choices usually benefit that elite. This rule includes any business owned, managed, or linked to a policy elite. Such companies stand to gain from decisions made. Elites can suggest policies that will have a positive effect on a business.

Businesses can count on elites to share their interests. Since the level of wealth contributes to elite status, elites can invest in many companies. These investments help them stay rich and preserve their elite status. Thus, one can link a business’ success to an elite’s wealth and vice versa. As a result, elites will be sure to reap benefits from decisions made.


Case study analysis has helped deduce some of the critical success factors of elites. Some of these are the following:

1. Elites must speak openly and honestly during the policy-forming process.

2. Persons must also be willing to negotiate.

3. Internal elites should start the negotiations. Outside forces should not influence them.

4. Elites must be exclusive. This factor prevents possible backlash from alienated extremist groups.

5. Elites must maintain power throughout the process to ensure the adoption of policies. Also, it ensures that persons within their parties abide by them.

Once followed, elites can achieve success with these success factors.

About Policy Elite Market Research

Knowing the elite theory is key to analyzing policy elites. Quantitative, Qualitative, and strategy research are also helpful when doing market research on these elites. Our company also offers Focus Groups, Interviews, and Surveys.



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