
Market Research Experience in the Consumer Industries





  • Quantitative study on apparel in the UK and Germany.
  • Market study in the US for women’s apparel.
  • Market study in the US for infant wear.
  • Market study in the US for swimwear.
  • Market study in the US for menswear.
  • Market study in the US for fabrics.
  • Market study for upscale women’s apparel and accessories.
  • Market study for sneakers in Japan.
  • 法國、西班牙、韓國中檔服飾店攔截研究
  • 汽車

Global qualitative study of automobile drivers and consumers in Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Thailand, and the UK.

US survey of consumers to determine their attitudes about using premium gasoline.

Conducted focus groups with consumers who have purchased high-end cars.

Beverage  – Non Alcoholic

  • Analysis of the market for Japanese coffee makers.
  • Organized a discussion panel of mothers and single people for a juice manufacturer.
  • Conducted focus groups for global beverage company.
  • 市場情報調查,以確定飲料產品從墨西哥到印度的市場規模、潛力和最佳分銷。

Beverages – Alcoholic

  • Conducted focus groups for a new beer can in the US.
  • Quantitative study for a new product concept for beer in the US.
  • Conducted focus groups for vodka in the US.


Conducted global quantitative study of consumer credit card usage in Europe, South Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America.


  • Quantitative study that determined consumer preferences for imaging equipment.
  • Interviewed affluent women to study their spending habits.
  • Conducted a study to determine whether or not a particular brand’s store conforms to its overall brand identity.


Evaluation of reading trends for publications in Latin America, determining who read selected magazines and their attitudes and level of usage.


  • Quantitative study covering the US, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic to determine what competitive products are produced in those countries and how they are promoted.
  • Business intelligence study about the competitive environment of the cutlery market in Europe and Latin America.
  • Field research to locate and purchase competitive coffee maker products in the UK, Spain, and Germany.
  • Evaluation of competitive air filtering systems for consumers in Italy, France, Germany, the UK, and Spain.
  • Competitive evaluation of air treatment products and filtering systems.
  • Competitor profiles of major consumer products firms: their global strategy, globalization of key products, global branding successes, and failures.
  • Competitive analysis of the R&D departments of large consumer products firms.
  • Market intelligence study covering apparel and infant wear offerings of mass merchandisers in the retail industry.
  • Created a competitor profile for a major consumer products firm.
  • Global strategy competitive assessment for consumer goods and packaged foods supplier.
  • Analysis of the reorganization of a major player in the consumer products industry and its implications for the firm.
  • In-store interviews with business owners in Chinatown, New York.
  • Competitive Intelligence Study on the Contact Lens and Contact Solutions Markets in the US
  • Conducted a competitor analysis on the aroma care and insect killer markets in the US.


  • Conducted consumer surveys to determine preference for consumer electronic equipment.
  • Conducted consumer surveys in the digital camera market.
  • Conducted focus groups for US consumers to test new consumer products in the digital camera market.
  • Conducted national and international market study regarding flat panel plasma and LCD televisions.
  • Conducted consumer focus groups to analyze what factors determine the appeal to customers of demo contents displayed in a store.
  • Conducted dealer in-depth interviews to understand how dealers are using demo contents for promoting sales.
  • Conducted international quantitative TV study to determine the attitudes and usage habits of TV customers in India, China, UK, and the US.
  • Conducted focus groups on MP3 usage.
  • Market study on TV callbacks.
  • Conducted consumer intercept study at a major convention center in New York.
  • Conducted study to understand how people use a particular computer program and how the purchase decision was influenced and made within businesses of different sizes.
  • Conducted research study on users of the Mac operating system.
  • Conducted focus groups of mobile phone users who reflected market share of top brands.
  • Conducted research study to understand market response to the existing Blu-ray player and to examine consumer needs and attitude towards the player.
  • Conducted feasibility study to assess the launch of AV products in various Asian markets.
  • Conducted interviews in Israel and South Africa with TV purchase decision-makers who had recently purchased an LCD TV
  • Conducted a qualitative study on home theater.
  • Conducted focus groups and qualitative research on a new headphone packaging program.

Fast Moving Consumer Goods

  • Evaluated of the top worldwide packaged goods firms on a regional basis.
  • Interviewed CEOs of mid-sized consumer products firms to determine the strategic issues facing their businesses.
  • Conducted CATI interviews with ordinary consumers who have shopped at a combination of different supermarkets in the greater London area to evaluate their shopping experience and needs.


  • Conducted focus groups in gyms in Chicago and Los Angeles to test a new watch.
  • Conducted a study of US consumer attitudes toward physical fitness.
  • Conducted focus groups in San Francisco with consumers regarding their acceptance of a new general nutrition product.
  • Evaluation of the fitness market in Europe.
  • Conducted advertisement pre-test for consumer fitness product advertisement in the US.

Household Appliances and Products

  • 對各種家用產品的製造商和經銷商進行持續的競爭追蹤。
  • 對美國最近購買無袋吸塵器的消費者進行了訪談和家訪。
  • 廚房和浴室新產品創意的研發研究
  • 有關家居改造和裝飾趨勢的市場情報和競爭情報研究。
  • 家用植物市場分析。
  • 德國和巴西家用電子空氣清新劑和殺蟲劑的市場可行性研究。
  • 英國、法國和德國的消費者焦點小組,了解他們對新一代攪拌機的態度。
  • 美國家居用品市場研究。
  • 美國餐墊市場研究。
  • 為美國的空調和除濕機研究進行郵件攔截。
  • 在日本、德國、西班牙和英國進行了咖啡機市場研究。
  • 在歐洲、亞洲和拉丁美洲進行了餐具研究。
  • Conducted study to gain insight from high-end consumers about the appearance and design of various home electronics.
  • 進行市場研究,以獲得有關開發冰箱新概念和產生創意的資訊。
  • 為家庭安全系統公司進行研究
  • Conducted home visits with people who own front-loading washing machines and Frrench-door style refrigerators
  • Conducted focus groups for consumers on their opinion to a future concepts of coffee machines

IC Recorder

Market study for IC Recorders in the US surveying retail outlets’ product offerings.


  • Market evaluation of the Juvenile Lifestyle market.
  • Conducted survey on teen cell phone usage.
  • Conducted focus groups in Japan and the UK to determine competitors to a popular children’s book series sold through a major book retailer.
  • Conducted in-depth interviews regarding diaper usage.
  • Conducted recruitment and designed screener for IDIs of moms with infants.

Luxury Goods

Conducted jewelry study for a high-end company.

Market Repositioning Studies

Conducted study on French-speaking Canada to determine competitive literature and repositioning of consumer products.

Market Segmentation Studies

  • Evaluation of the market size, segmentation, distribution, wholesale, retail pricing, and potential acquisition candidates for the mattress market in Mexico.
  • Competitor and market segment tracking studies in the personal care and household products sectors to pinpoint market opportunities in established and emerging markets.

Men’s Razor Products

  • European quantitative study on a new men’s razor product.
  • Interviewed barbers and African American men who shave their heads and/or faces with razors in order to analyze a variety of facial care and shaving products.


  • Child-resistant packaging survey in the US on customer attitudes toward traditional closure packaging vs. blister packs.
  • Conducted recruitment and moderation of high end headphone users for packaging design study.

Psychographic Studies

  • Conducted several focus groups on the living standards of Hispanic and Asian groups.
  • Conducted focus groups analyzing the attitudes of different ethnic groups toward different types of music.
  • Conducted in-depth interviews for a qualitative study on the understanding of consumer associations with new and existing brand names.


Usage of consumer watches in the US: demographics, attitudes, and pricing for market positioning.

Sample of our Past and Present Clients

  • Advertising Age International
  • 美國家居用品
  • Amway Corporation
  • 蘋果
  • 博士倫
  • Biomist Technology
  • 卡地亞
  • Citizen Watch Corporation
  • Closure Manufacturers Association
  • Colgate-Palmolive Company
  • 庫爾斯
  • Dekko Heating Technologies
  • Eastman Kodak Company
  • 雅詩蘭黛
  • 法拉龍資本
  • 福特汽車公司
  • Global Focus
  • 格羅施
  • Heineken
  • Infocomm. International
  • IPS
  • Jacob Javits
  • LG
  • 生活健身
  • Mars
  • Mastercard International
  • Philip Morris
  • 寶麗來
  • Procter and Gamble
  • Round Table Research
  • 三星
  • SC Johnson 蠟
  • Seagrams
  • Sennheiser
  • 盛星
  • 希沃泰
  • 樂購
  • The Dial Corporation
  • The Gillette Company
  • 時代國際
  • 玩具反斗城
  • 聯合利華
  • Visa International
  • Warner Lambert Chicle Group
  • 惠而浦公司
  • Wyeth Nutritional

Contact us for your next Consumer Market Research project.



SIS 國際研究與策略創辦人兼執行長。她在策略規劃和全球市場情報方面擁有 40 多年的專業知識,是幫助組織取得國際成功值得信賴的全球領導者。

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