


By investing in pricing market research, companies can avoid the pitfalls of overpricing or underpricing, ensuring their offerings are competitively positioned while maintaining profitability.







Another critical reason businesses need pricing market research is to stay ahead of competitors. 今天的客戶在全球市場上有無數的購買選擇。價格傳達了產品的價值以及有關整個產品及其優點的訊息。價值被定義為收益減去成本。


SIS 國際市場研究與策略

參與這項研究的最具戰略意義的時刻之一是 在推出新產品或服務之前。了解市場格局、客戶期望和競爭對手的定價策略可以極大地影響產品發布的成功。定價市場研究提供了平衡獲利能力與消費者吸引力的最佳價格點的見解,確保產品從一開始就處於競爭地位。

進行定價市場研究的另一個關鍵時刻是 市場拓展期間. Whether entering a new geographic region or targeting a new customer segment, businesses must adapt their pricing strategies to local conditions. Market-specific factors such as economic conditions, cultural preferences, and regional competition can all influence pricing dynamics. Conducting pricing market research during these times helps businesses tailor their approach, ensuring their pricing strategy aligns with the new market’s unique characteristics.

此外,企業在經歷重大事件時應進行定價市場研究。 市場狀況的變化, 例如競爭加劇、消費者需求變化或經濟衰退。在這些時期,重新評估定價策略對於維持市場份額和獲利能力至關重要





SIS International 提供綜合研究方法、全球覆蓋範圍和專業知識,以提供「全面的市場視角」。 我們的綜合研究方法使用多個層次的研究和情報來提供對定價策略所需的整個市場格局的全面洞察。在定價市場研究中,我們檢查以下因素:

  • 顧客
  • 競爭對手
  • 公司
  • 文化
  • 供應鏈


  • 成本結構分析
  • 固定和變動成本分析
  • 收入分析
  • 獲利能力分析
  • 損益平衡分析
  • 競爭對手定價
  • 定價策略
  • 價格框架(消費者心目中)
  • 價格預測
  • 價格彈性


SIS 國際市場研究與策略

公司可能需要價格框架研究和策略。我們研究在客戶心中製定價格的最合適方式。定價心理學在這過程中發揮著重要作用,SIS 透過定價心理學來檢驗研究結果。當本地公司與跨國公司競爭以及相對定價比名目價格更重要時,價格框架的重要性就會顯現出來。




Respondents are provided with descriptions of products that correspond to the attributes of the product being measured. They are then asked to choose between those products based on their attributes and again based on a rotation of attributes.

A regression analysis, a type of statistical analysis that compares averages, would then be run on the data for each respondent, resulting in the value of each attribute. Linear or logistic regression can be run depending on the survey design. By using a sub-set of all possible products and sets of features, we ask about only a few of the possible products to predict the attractiveness of all possible products. 


  • 聯合可能無法很好地解釋屬性之間的交互作用。 定性研究可以增強這方面的理解。
  • 如果您不知道要包含的相關功能,則效果不佳。
  • 聯合是靜態的,並不能解釋事物如何隨著時間的推移而連鎖。
  • 假設參與者了解這些功能。


SIS 國際市場研究與策略

The Gabor Granger method is a pricing technique in which respondents are asked how likely they are to buy the product at various stated price levels. All tested prices should be presented in random order.

There are a few considerations to keep in mind with Gabor Granger. Market segments can react differently to the exact pricing, impacting marketing strategy.   Outside of customers’ value considerations, costs and profits impact pricing policy.

Another metric is the Van Westendorp PSM (Price Sensitivity Meter), a battery of four questions. After being presented a description of the product or service, respondents are then asked:

  1. 您認為該產品在什麼價位時物有所值? [“便宜的”]
  2. 您認為該產品在什麼價格下開始變得昂貴,但您仍然會考慮購買? [“昂貴的”]
  3. 該產品在什麼價格下會如此昂貴以至於您永遠不會考慮它? 【「太貴了」】
  4. 在什麼價格下,該產品會如此便宜以至於您懷疑其品質? [“太便宜了”]

Divisions often duel over pricing strategies’ focus, emphasizing costs, market pricing, market penetration, profit maximization, differentiation and value. On a global level, standardized pricing may bring success in one region but may bring new challenges in another. If companies implement competitive pricing strategies, competitive reactions may immediately impact sales. 


支付意願 (WTP) 是定價市場研究中的一個重要概念,可幫助企業確定客戶願意在產品或服務上花費多少錢。這種洞察力對於制定符合消費者期望並推動銷售的最佳價格至關重要。定價市場研究採用調查、聯合分析、行為數據等多種方法來衡量支付意願,讓企業清楚了解不同客戶群的價格敏感度。


Price elasticity of demand is a crucial concept in pricing market research. It helps businesses understand how sensitive consumers are to changes in price. It measures the percentage change in quantity demanded in response to a percentage change in price, providing valuable insights into how price adjustments can impact sales volume and revenue. 

For highly elastic products, even small price increases can lead to significant drops in demand, making it essential for businesses to consider their pricing decisions carefully. Products like consumer electronics, fashion items, and luxury goods often exhibit high price elasticity, as consumers can easily switch to alternatives if prices rise. 


SIS International 的定價市場研究如何幫助企業

SIS國際’s pricing market research provides businesses with tailored insights that drive enhanced strategic planning and optimized pricing strategies. Our expertise in advanced data analytics, consumer behavior analysis, and competitive benchmarking equips companies with the knowledge to set prices that align with market dynamics and customer expectations. 


SIS International’s research reduces the risks associated with pricing changes by providing data-driven insights that minimize uncertainty. Our analysis helps companies avoid costly pricing mistakes, such as setting too high or too low, by clearly understanding market conditions and customer responses. 


Effective pricing is closely tied to marketing success. Our research helps businesses align their pricing with marketing strategies, ensuring that promotional efforts resonate with target audiences. 






安全資訊系統 conducts Strategy Research to provide data and insights about the competitive reactions to pricing strategies.  SIS is a leader in competitive analysis and was a founding member of the SCIP organization, which specializes in Strategic and Competitive Intelligence.  We provide War Gaming, Competitive Benchmarking and customized competitive reports related to pricing.


11 E 22nd Street, Floor 2, 紐約, NY 10010 電話:+1(212) 505-6805

關於 SIS 國際

SIS國際 提供定量、定性和策略研究。我們為決策提供數據、工具、策略、報告和見解。我們也進行訪談、調查、焦點小組和其他市場研究方法和途徑。 聯絡我們 為您的下一個市場研究項目。




SIS 國際研究與策略創辦人兼執行長。她在策略規劃和全球市場情報方面擁有 40 多年的專業知識,是幫助組織取得國際成功值得信賴的全球領導者。

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