

SIS 國際市場研究與策略

Choosing the appropriate price to sell a product or service is more than a challenge for every business. Getting it right is crucial to its eventual survival.





  • 由於房地產或勞動力價格而產生的生產成本
  • 潛在客戶數量
  • 運送貨物的成本



Below are several common goals, which often change over time depending on their success rate and reactions from customers and competitors.

  • 引發審判
  • 吸引回頭客
  • 開拓新市場
  • 拓展現有市場
  • 擴大產品線-以不同的價位提供不同的型號或功能,以擴大對客戶的整體吸引力
  • 交叉銷售多種產品(人壽、汽車和家庭保險;航空、酒店和汽車)
  • 增加市場佔有率
  • Defend against competition; create a barrier to entry
  • Seek a specific profit margin over the cost of production, promotion and distribution


  • 什麼價格可以最大化試用?
    • How low should initial price be?  A survey can ask questions about different prices, or a market test can compare the percent who take the offer.
    • 試用後是否需要額外的折扣或優惠,或者可以在不失去客戶的情況下提高價格嗎?
  • Will package or bundle pricing effectively sell more than one item or service?
    • 可以測試多種優惠,例如“BOGO”或“twofers”,第二個主菜的 50%;裝有一組新球桿的高爾夫球包;免費檢查經紀服務。
  • Can enough commodity products or supplies for the home or office be sold at a low price and still make a profit?
    • Research can help analyze a market, its customers, and its competition regarding current pricing and purchase activity.
    • Should you set a price to match your competition to remove that differentiator?
    • In some cases, products such as batteries, printer paper, or cleaning supplies may be sold as “loss leaders” (even below actual cost) to generate sales of more and higher-margin items.
  • 足夠的市場會支付溢價嗎?
    • Is there support for high-priced, exclusive, or luxury items? (e.g. Tiffany, Prada, Mercedes, Apple)
    • 是否有其他客戶等級可以以後以較低的價格出售較便宜的型號?或者您可以客製化產品或服務,並為獨家版本收取更高的價格,以滿足特定的客戶需求?


SIS 國際市場研究與策略

You do not need to gamble and hope. Rather, you can calculate all the costs involved in producing, promoting/selling, and distributing a product and then set a price that covers expenses while providing some level of profit.

However, to approach an optimum price point, it may be useful to observe and/or survey your customers. Even better, get a sense of what your competition is or might be doing regarding pricing.

Asking customers what they would pay for a product or service is tricky. Getting insights into your competitors’ strategies is a bigger challenge.

顧客 可能透過調查(線上或電話)或親自接觸該產品。 

  • Here, a set of variables, including price, might be presented to a subject. A statistical technique called conjoint analysis may be applied to determine the optimal tradeoffs of features and prices.
  • You can assess price elasticity and experiment within such a range.
  • 此外,您可以識別匹配的潛在或當前客戶群,透過線上、優惠券、廣告等為每個客戶提供不同的價格,然後衡量以每個價格購買的百分比。
  • (筆記:  在某些情況下,您可能想在開始生產之前了解客戶會根據概念或原型支付多少費用,以確保有利潤空間! )

競技活動 can be monitored by following their channels of distribution (e.g. site visits to stores, following online and offline ads), attending trade shows, and perhaps speaking with your customers. 

  • 但要了解他們的未來計劃,幾乎總是需要透過第三方進行採訪,以揭示此類資訊。

Unfortunately, there is more to the equation!  您的公司並非在真空中運作。因此,就像您一樣,您的競爭對手可能會改變定價以實現特定目標。  因此,定價策略是一個持續的過程,需要不斷的關注和調整。


11 E 22nd Street, Floor 2, 紐約, NY 10010 電話:+1(212) 505-6805

關於 SIS 國際

SIS國際 提供定量、定性和策略研究。我們為決策提供數據、工具、策略、報告和見解。我們也進行訪談、調查、焦點小組和其他市場研究方法和途徑。 聯絡我們 為您的下一個市場研究項目。





SIS 國際研究與策略創辦人兼執行長。她在策略規劃和全球市場情報方面擁有 40 多年的專業知識,是幫助組織取得國際成功值得信賴的全球領導者。

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