


As investors demand more personalized, transparent, and conflict-free financial advice, the independent financial advisor market is experiencing rapid growth. Understanding the latest independent financial advisor market research trends is essential for firms looking to stay ahead in this evolving landscape.

SIS國際研究, we provide in-depth insights into the independent financial advisor market’s key drivers, challenges, and opportunities.


SIS 國際市場研究與策略

Independent Financial Advisors are professionals who provide financial recommendations, advisory, and financial services to consumers.  They are not part of global banking networks and therefore considered independent.

The financial services industry has undergone sweeping changes over the last few years. The current landscape constantly refers to the maturity and siloed nature of technology applications that reside within many financial services organizations.


Why Independent Financial Advisor Market Research Matters

Independent financial advisors operate outside traditional banks and wirehouses, offering fee-based, fiduciary-driven services that prioritize clients’ best interests. As regulations shift and investors become more financially literate, market research is essential for:

  • Understanding investor behavior and evolving financial planning needs.

  • Tracking competitive dynamics in the IFA space.

  • Identifying key regulatory changes impacting fiduciary responsibilities.

  • Exploring technological innovations that enhance advisor-client interactions.


Small and medium-sized organizations (SMBs) such as general insurance brokers, life and pensions brokers, fund managers, and foreign banks are under increasing pressure to remain viable as large banks and insurance companies continue to make inroads into their markets.

Furthermore, demanding compliance requirements and increasing competition from within their ranks are placing additional pressure on these organizations to remain viable. Their overarching goal is to maintain their appeal as the local market alternative to upper-tier firms, and in order to do this, they need to be proactive in how they manage their customer relationships and also how they can derive more accurate customer value.


Fintech Trends

A logical solution for the two aforementioned issues comes from Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems.  Effective and efficient CRM solutions specifically created for and targeted at the SMB space, can help smaller financial organizations increase revenue while maintaining their forte of superior customer service.


Consumers in mature markets such as the UK, US, and Western Europe are running out of steam. American and British spenders have weak balance sheets – low savings, high debts and fear of rising interest rates. Independent financial advice suggests that we are shopped out. However, the Asian consumer has built up high savings and has little or no debt, while the credit card culture is in its infancy. They’ve been putting money away since the late 1990s Asian debt crisis, but they will want to spend it some time.


科技將成為提高獲利能力的關鍵問題。儘管 IFA 行業遵循了提高速度和更容易訪問數據的主要技術趨勢,但人們普遍認為提供者未能改進技術以使顧問的工作變得更容易,而是相互競爭,損害了客戶的利益。 。

However, if administration is improved, the income IFAs derive through sales will have a higher impact, enabling them to achieve high levels of repeat business by enhancing their communications and information systems.

Another key issue affecting the long-term future of the business is the problem of an aging profession. Not enough new advisors are coming into the market, which seriously threatens the industry’s future. Because the average IFA is much nearer to 55 than 25, their perspectives tend to be narrower and their goals more short-term, making them less responsive to change and less keen to take advantage of new products such as wraps, which require a long-term view.

然而,有些人擔心技術最終可能會減少對財務建議的需求。隨著機器人顧問和人工智慧的興起,財務諮詢和財富管理產業正在被顛覆。 例如,在一些保險網站上,整個定期保險申請現在可以在線上完成,無需顧問。


A more competitive and complex landscape for financial services providers is forcing many organizations to reevaluate their existing channel strategies. This is especially true of small and medium-sized organizations that want to remain viable alternatives to their larger counterparts.

Strategic investments/upgrades in CRM systems can help smaller financial organizations such as independent financial advisors, life and pension brokers, general insurance companies, building societies, and similar firms improve revenue generation while reducing costs and maintaining superior customer service advantages.



Even though the Internet is a significant and cost-effective sales and service delivery channel, fund managers, IFAs, and other smaller players cannot afford to rely only on one channel over another because this would limit functionality and product options and, hence, customer service. With customers using any combination of the channels available to them, SMBS must form a coherent multi-channel strategy. While offering a range of channels may be seen as a positive attribute, if they remain siloed and are not fully coordinated, they can have a negative impact on customer experience and, ultimately, on the financial organization itself.

The Future of Independent Financial Advisor Market Research

Looking ahead, the IFA market will be shaped by:

  • AI-driven financial planning and predictive analytics.

  • A hybrid model of human + robo-advisory services.

  • Enhanced client education tools and digital onboarding processes.

  • Stronger regulatory oversight and increased transparency.

Final Thoughts from Ruth Stanat, CEO of SIS International Research

The independent financial advisor market is evolving faster than ever. Success in this industry requires deep market intelligence, strategic foresight, and a commitment to innovation.

SIS國際研究, we provide real-time insights, competitive analysis, and data-driven strategies to help financial advisors stay ahead of the curve. 


Independent Financial Advisors are important decision-makers who influence the decision to purchase or trade securities.  They can influence decision-making on a large amount of assets, and their opinions matter.  Market Research uncovers the decision-making processes of IFAs.  Research also reveals insights into consumers seeking Financial Advisory services.


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