

SIS 國際市場研究與策略








SIS 國際市場研究與策略


Furthermore, bank branch market research is a foundational element in strategic planning and decision-making for financial institutions. Whether it’s identifying growth opportunities, evaluating the feasibility of new products and services, or assessing the impact of regulatory changes, market research provides the data-driven insights necessary for informed decision-making.


• 增強的顧客體驗: By understanding customer preferences and behaviors, banks can enhance the overall branch experience, leading to higher satisfaction and customer loyalty.

• 優化分公司營運:透過數據驅動的洞察,銀行可以簡化分行運營,有效分配資源,提高營運效率,最終降低成本並最大化獲利能力。

• 明智的決策:銀行分行市場研究為銀行提供必要的數據和見解,以做出明智的策略決策。

• 競爭優勢:透過領先市場趨勢和消費者偏好,銀行可以提供與客戶產生共鳴的獨特且量身定制的服務,從而在競爭對手中脫穎而出。

• 風險緩解:銀行分行市場研究幫助銀行識別潛在的風險和挑戰,使銀行能夠主動緩解這些風險並制定應急計劃,從而維護金融穩定。



Similarly, bank branch market research often adopts a more customer-centric approach to understand customer preferences, behaviors, and experiences within the branch environment. This includes gathering feedback on branch services, waiting times, and overall satisfaction levels.






Bank branch market research involves evaluating individual branches’ performance based on metrics such as foot traffic, transaction volumes, wait times, and service quality. This evaluation helps identify high-performing branches and areas for improvement.






Financial institutions receive strategic recommendations to enhance branch performance and customer satisfaction based on the insights gathered from bank branch market research. 


SIS 國際市場研究與策略

As the banking industry continues to evolve, several trends are shaping the landscape of bank branch market research. These trends reflect consumers’ changing preferences, advancements in technology, and the evolving regulatory environment. 

• 數位轉型:隨著數位銀行的興起,人們越來越重視將數位管道與實體分行體驗結合。銀行分行市場研究現在包括分析跨數位平台的客戶互動以及評估數位轉型對分行績效的影響。

• 客戶體驗優化: Customer experience has become a focal point in bank branch market research, with financial institutions striving to create seamless and personalized customer experiences. This trend involves gathering feedback on branch services, employee interactions, and overall satisfaction to identify areas for improvement.

• 數據分析與人工智慧:金融機構利用數據分析工具來分析客戶行為、預測趨勢並優化分公司營運。人工智慧驅動的聊天機器人和虛擬助理還可以增強客戶服務並簡化分支機構互動。

• 分行重新設計與佈局:銀行正在重新構想分行佈局和設計,以創造一個更以客戶為中心的環境。銀行分行市場研究包括評估分行佈局的有效性、交通流量以及提升分行整體體驗的技術使用。

• 社區參與: Financial institutions focus on building stronger connections with their local communities through community engagement initiatives. Bank branch market research may involve assessing the impact of community events, sponsorships, and outreach programs on brand perception and customer loyalty.



• 優化分公司績效:透過銀行分行市場研究,企業可以透過分析客流量、交易量和客戶互動來發現優化分行績效的機會。這包括確定高績效分支機構並實施策略以在整個網路上複製其成功。

• 擴大市場範圍:透過進行銀行分行市場研究,企業可以識別尚未開發的細分市場和成長機會,使他們能夠策略性地將其分行網路擴展到新的地理區域或人口群體。 

• 建立品牌忠誠度:透過銀行分行市場研究,企業可以透過了解客戶需求、解決痛點和提供個人化體驗來加強客戶關係並建立品牌忠誠度。


SIS 國際市場研究與策略

1. 自動化現金和硬幣處理

Before outlining plans for new bank branches, it is necessary to cover the basics. People want their banks to handle their finances, but they also want them to put simple procedures in place to attend to their needs. Automated cash and coin handling is an effective way to improve the customer experience. The initial costs may be high, yet automated cash and coin handling will make customers more satisfied. It will also free the staff to focus on core activities to grow the branch.


Banks must recognize that digital transformation changed the industry. They have new ways to attract clients and maintain their customer base. Yet, it doesn’t make sense to have a website, an app, and a social profile if they don’t dialogue with each other. The omnichannel attitude is an excellent solution to create a frictionless customer experience, which can be consistent across all platforms.

The omnichannel approach is a cross-content strategy. Banks can apply it to integrate all the settings where they are present. For example, if an app is in place, displaying general information about the branch is a good idea. The bank can give information, such as working hours and services. They can also offer a personalized experience by providing specific information. For example, they can add the name and contact information of the manager for the individual account. This way, digital banking will become more integrated with its physical counterpart. It will also be more engaging as a customer experience.




One of the most underexploited niches in open banking is the Small—to Mid-Sized Enterprise (SME). Open banking is useful not only to individual customers; SMEs can also benefit. Plus, when the offer hits the right target, it provides a higher return on investment to the bank.

4. 數位看板

After the bank maps the market, it can set up a branch. Now, it is time to think about how to convey the bank’s message to the public. Digital signage is an excellent yet overlooked tool to enhance customer experience. It is not a new concept, but it is still a potent marketing tool. Why? Because it is inexpensive to implement compared with other options. Your marketing team can do content management in-house.


While bank branch market research offers numerous opportunities for businesses in the banking sector, it also presents several challenges that must be addressed to maximize effectiveness. 

• 資料隱私和合規性: Gathering and analyzing customer data for bank branch market research must comply with strict data privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA. Ensuring compliance while extracting valuable insights can be challenging for businesses, requiring robust data governance and compliance measures.

• 多通路互動的複雜性:隨著數位銀行管道的激增,客戶透過多個接觸點與銀行互動,包括線上、行動和分行內。對於進行銀行分行市場研究的企業來說,整合這些不同管道的數據以全面了解客戶行為和偏好可能是複雜且具有挑戰性的。

• 快速的技術進步:銀行業技術進步的快速步伐給進行銀行分行市場研究的企業帶來了挑戰。跟上人工智慧、機器學習和數據分析工具等最新技術並將其整合到研究方法中需要持續的投資和專業知識。


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