
Large-scale Research for Small Companies

By Dmitry Shimanov, General Director of MAR Consult Research Agency
Also accessible on SIS Worldwide Intelligence Library. One of the common mistakes existing in business circles is that marketing research is necessary only for large companies. As a matter of fact, small businesses require it as much as transnational corporations.
Why? Here are four reasons.

First, in order to expand market share, small companies need to find a suitable niche. This is why market analysis and SWOT analysis of competitors will be required. Second, small companies deal with extreme pressure of competition. They have to keep hold of every client, and to do so, complete information on consumers is necessary (from social and demographic features to psychographic portrait).

China, the next wave in Competitive Intelligence?

The China Institute of Competitive Intelligence (CICI) is promoting its 4th Annual Competitive Intelligence International Annual Conference from November 13-15 in Shanghai. Last year, nearly 150 people attended. The China Institute of Competitive Intelligence claims that CI in China is on the rise.

NYU’s Aggressive Globalization Plan

Last year, New York University (NYU) announced an agreement with the Emirate of Abu Dhabi to build NYU Abu Dhabi. The research university, with a complete integration of a liberal arts and science college, will be the “first world-class, liberal arts university in the Middle East”.

紐約大學阿布達比分校仍在建設中,第一個正式學年計劃於2010 年秋季開始。本科生。招收的學生來自世界各地,特別是廣大的中東和南亞地區。



紐約大學阿布達比分校仍在建設中,第一個正式學年計劃於2010 年秋季開始。本科生。招收的學生來自世界各地,特別是廣大的中東和南亞地區。

校園將位於距離阿布達比海岸 500 公尺的薩迪亞特島。該島尚未開發,但正在規劃容納 15 萬人口。






Intelligence Gathering: The Importance of Relationships

To many in the business world, the Market Research or Business / Competitive Intelligence process is just a bunch of numbers, analysis and reports. An executive will send a brief to the research firm and after commissioning will expect a report according to their specifications.

What is missing from this perspective is the impact of relationships, specifically that between the client and the research provider.