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一家美國線上個人金融公司的全面行銷策略一家美國線上個人金融公司在競爭激烈的市場環境中尋求提升其房屋貸款產品,特別是房屋淨值貸款。該公司與 SIS International 合作開發並執行全面的行銷策略,以產生需求、獲取新客戶並… 閱讀更多


透過跨平台行銷計劃增強市場滲透本案例研究探討了一家跨國製藥公司的跨平台行銷計劃。目標是完善他們的行銷策略,以提高品牌認知度,吸引廣泛的受眾,並提高其主導產品的市場滲透率。主要成果和好處有關客戶的背景資訊客戶,… 閱讀更多


創新線上交易平台的行銷活動本案例研究詳細介紹了為創新線上交易平台開發的整合行銷策略。目標是優化他們的行銷策略,以提高品牌知名度,吸引多元化的客戶群,並提高其旗艦產品的市場滲透率。主要成果和好處有關…的背景訊息 閱讀更多


This case study details the multi-channel marketing campaign developed for a major financial information and analytics company. The objective was to optimize their marketing strategies to enhance brand visibility, engage a diverse customer base, and increase market penetration for their flagship product. Key Outcomes and Benefits: Background Information about the Client: The client is a … 閱讀更多


優化多通路行銷策略以增強市場滲透本案例研究詳細介紹了為一家大型金融資訊和分析公司開發的多通路行銷活動。目標是優化他們的行銷策略,以提高品牌知名度,吸引多元化的客戶群,並提高其旗艦產品的市場滲透率。主要成果和好處:背景… 閱讀更多

Hospitality Marketing Consulting

Hospitality marketing consulting focuses on creating and implementing marketing strategies specifically tailored to the hospitality industry.

B2B Marketing in China

China’s rapid economic growth and increasing global influence have resulted in a thriving B2B market. The country presents enormous opportunities for businesses looking to engage in B2B transactions and expand their presence in this dynamic market. Today, as more businesses enter the Chinese market, understanding the intricacies of B2B marketing in China has become crucial … 閱讀更多

SIS Exhibiting at the Quirks Market Research Event

SIS International Research will be exhibiting at The Quirks Event West in Orange County, California February 28 – March 1, 2017 and The Quirks Event East in Brooklyn March 21 – 22, 2017.  We will be showcasing our innovative methods, tools, NYC Focus Group Facility, the launch of SIS Sales Strategies and the expansion of our … 閱讀更多

What is Mobile Marketing?

Mobile marketing involves reaching customers when they are using the Internet away from the traditional home or office desktop environment. The increased use of smartphones, iPads, Tablets, and similar mobile devices has may make mobile marketing a must for many online businesses. Mobile marketing uses interactive media that assists customers in gaining location and time-sensitive … 閱讀更多