Election Follow up: Analysis of Marketing Strategy on Election
The 2008 US Presidential Election was fascinating for a multitude of reasons, but in particular because of the use of new marketing.
The 2008 US Presidential Election was fascinating for a multitude of reasons, but in particular because of the use of new marketing.
By Dmitry Shimanov, General Director of MAR Consult Research Agency
Also accessible on SIS Worldwide Intelligence Library. One of the common mistakes existing in business circles is that marketing research is necessary only for large companies. As a matter of fact, small businesses require it as much as transnational corporations.
Why? Here are four reasons.
First, in order to expand market share, small companies need to find a suitable niche. This is why market analysis and SWOT analysis of competitors will be required. Second, small companies deal with extreme pressure of competition. They have to keep hold of every client, and to do so, complete information on consumers is necessary (from social and demographic features to psychographic portrait).
As part of our series of marketing book reviews, we have recently reviewed Jon Steel’s “Truth, Lies and Advertising: the Art of Account Planning.” While focused on advertising, the book’s content can feasibly be applied to other branches of marketing services. In particular, we were eager to read its perspective on market research in Advertising campaigns.
Steel’s goal is to propose a new model of advertising based on the complexity of people and their emotions. The model incorporates a partnership of stakeholders in an advertising campaign:
The fragrance industry worldwide rolls to the beat of its own drum in terms of marketing and consumer purchases.
New Internet Worlds are emerging online where users make a replica of themselves to live out life-like situations.
We reviewed a few chapters in Malcolm Gladwell’s best-seller “Blink”. Why? Thin Slicing reveals insights into human behavior.
The China Institute of Competitive Intelligence (CICI) is promoting its 4th Annual Competitive Intelligence International Annual Conference from November 13-15 in Shanghai. Last year, nearly 150 people attended. The China Institute of Competitive Intelligence claims that CI in China is on the rise.
Last year, New York University (NYU) announced an agreement with the Emirate of Abu Dhabi to build NYU Abu Dhabi. The research university, with a complete integration of a liberal arts and science college, will be the “first world-class, liberal arts university in the Middle East”.
紐約大學阿布達比分校仍在建設中,第一個正式學年計劃於2010 年秋季開始。本科生。招收的學生來自世界各地,特別是廣大的中東和南亞地區。
As part of our series of marketing-related books, we have reviewed Clotaire Rappaille’s book “The Culture Code.” In marketing research, Rappaille is known for his style and unique theories on human behavior. He is known for his rejection of the traditional focus group; instead he proposes a 3-hour focus group in which he does unstructured probing of obscure questions to elicit deeply rooted emotions and attitudes. In the book, he talks about how a culture has a code for every concept, and that it is the job of marketers to decode those meanings.
Rapaille lays out 5 central principles that belie his marketing research approach.
「世界領先飯店」執行副總裁兼營運長 Welf Ebeling 先生在《海灣商業》六月版中表示,雖然杜拜五星級飯店的數量呈現爆炸性成長,但下一波將是經濟型飯店。
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Having lived and worked throughout Asia over the past few years, I am continually reminded that the Generation Gap that I wrote about in China’s Generation Y applies to many Asian cultures—China and beyond. In my book China’s Generation Y, I spent one chapter describing the significant generation gap between Gen Y’s parents, who grew … 閱讀更多