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What is GNSS Global Navigation Technology?

What is GNSS Global Navigation Technology? Global Navigation Satellite System is Europe’s answer to GPS.  It’s a navigation system that aims to be more precise and accurate than America’s GPS Navigation System. Europe’s GNSS Outlook Discussion: A powerful global navigation system using & rivaling America’s GPS Satellites currently being launched Offers supreme accuracy to the … 閱讀更多

What is SWOT Analysis?

The SWOT Framework is useful to understand the company’s internal and external environment.  

Digital Disruption Strategy Consulting

Digital technology is continuing to advance at a rapid pace, presenting opportunity and threat in equal measure to companies in almost every sector. From advanced smartphones connecting everyone at every time, to Cloud Computing offering unprecedented processing power and data storage for low prices, there is no denying the power of digital technology. Still, many … 閱讀更多

SIS launches new Digital Research solutions

SIS International Research announced the launch of its Digital Market Research solutions. The new services emerged with the growing need for clients to rapidly and cost effectively engage with respondents worldwide. Clients benefit from digital analytics and increased respondent engagement. SIS launched a new video “The Future is Digital” on YouTube to showcase its Digital … 閱讀更多