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Richard Branson’s Recession Advice

Branson gave advice on youtube from an entrepreneurial perspective

On Large & Small Companies

“I think big companeis are going to retrench and there’s going to be a lot of people laid off from big companies. And therefore, a lot of those people who are laid off can be entrepreneurs in the future, and I think will be the entrepreneurs in the future. There are also going to be a lot of small companies out there that have still got reasonable cash flow and…lines of credit. And I think those kinds of companies and Virgin Included must try to help expand out of this problem, They must look for opportunities, and there will be hundreds of opportunities around. They must get out and employ people. They’re going ot find their cost base is going to be less right now. They’re going to be able to employ people at most liekly slighty at cost ef fective ways than in the past. And I think if thousands of small companies can try to fill in the gaps that some of the bigger companies…”

Civil Unrest in both Bulgaria, Lithuania & Latvia

Unrest in Bulgaria

Violence erupted in Sofia due to dissatisfaction with the government, new policies designed to counteract the recession and the worsening economic situation.

Unrest in Latvia

This video shows recent unrest in Latvia because of anti-government sentiment and the economy.

Unrest in Lithuania

Lithuania has had to implement tax raises for the population and salary cuts on government workers due to the economic recession.

Maximizing your Research Budget in a Recession

How to Maximize your Research Budget in a Recession
Ruth Stanat, President and CEO SIS International Research
January 28, 2009

The Recession

Clearly, this deep global recession has taken it toll on marketing departments and market research and competitive intelligence budgets. Senior executives, strategic planning and marketing departments face the following challenge of how to continue the following initiatives with a reduced research budget:

  • Global expansion plans
  • Customer satisfaction tracking
  • Competitor intelligence monitoring
  • Market opportunity/market sizing projects
  • Customer and brand loyalty projects
  • New product development tests
  • Ad tests

The Challenge and Opportunity of a Reduced Research Budget

The Need for Competitive Intelligence in a Recession

Global competitors never stop their Strategic Planning and Competitive Monitoring In any recession, companies may be tempted to believe that their competitors have “shut down” their Market Research and Competitive Intelligence budgets. While corporate budgets are cut, there are ways that companies can continue their competitive monitoring during the year and the next few years … 閱讀更多

Automotive Sensor Market Research

Automotive systems are getting smarter with each passing day. The evolution and inventions for the advance systems powered by a growing automotive market of Europe are increasing on a high pace. Sensors today define a new wave of automotive comfort and advance technology. The European automotive sensor industry is in a highly optimistic state. Opportunities … 閱讀更多

Hungary in Troubled Economic Times

Bloomberg indicates troubled times in Hungary due to

  • the global economic recession and the lack of reform from communism over the past two decades.
  • Hungary’s main trading partner is the European Union which is in recession. 
  • Veritas has cut shops
  • Audi has closed its plant
  • Rising unemployment, with predicitions of a rise to 8-10% unemployment
  • Violent protests due to an unpopular president
  • Bloomberg has indicated that analysts put the economic decline at about 2% next year. 
  • the IMF helped thwart a major default by the country by bailing the country out 
  • inflexible labor market and tax structure
  • Opportunities may arise for Hungary to attract businesses seeking to lower costs.

Action taken

  • $6.5 billion stimulus targeting small and medium businesses


  • attracting foreign businesses and investment by improving its tax structure, labor market and incentives

White Paper: Which Comes first: Demand or Supply?

By Dmitry Shimanov, General Director of MAR Consult Research Agency
Also accessible on SIS Worldwide Intelligence A famous economic law says: “Demand determines supply”. Is this really true?

Regular consumers take this assumption for granted. In today’s market, however, this law requires further revision and clarification. At first, supply determines demand and only then does demand begin to expand the amount of supply.

Book Review: “Hey Whipple Squeeze This”

As part of our series of marketing-related books, we have reviewed Luke Sullivan’s book “Hey Whipple Squeeze This.” While focused on advertising, the book delves into solving problems and understanding consumers. Likewise, it can be applied to other areas of marketing services. We have structured this review on interesting concepts on which the author focused.

Sullivan asserts the value in posing the problem as a question. One of our favorite quotes in the book was when Sullivan stated, “A problem well-stated is a problem half-solved.” By focusing on the question, people can facilitate the brainstorming process.