
ROI and Mobile Assessments are Important to HR Professionals in 2012, Says market research firm SIS International Research

NEW YORK—-(January 24)—SIS International Research, a Global Market Research & Consulting firm, has released its Talent Management Trends 2012 White Paper on Industry Trends in Human Resources Recruitment and Talent Management, based on the findings from a recent qualitative industry trend study across the United States among senior HR executives. 

Today’s Human Resources departments are being pushed in new directions, due to the continued jobless recovery, the expectations of the emerging Millennials in the workforce, as well as the introduction and refinement of new technologies. Companies are increasingly moving to online assessments, believing them to be less costly and time-consuming. In addition, corporate branding is becoming an integral part of the application experience. As a result, social media platforms are becoming an important tool to attract applicants.

SIS NY office celebrates thousandth facility rental

NEW YORK, Feb. 2, 2011— The New York City office of SIS International Research celebrated today its 1000th fieldwork rental at its focus group qualitative research facility located in the Flatiron district of Manhattan. The company, founded in 1984, completed construction on the facility in 2006, capable of accommodating respondents for Consumer, B2B and Medical studies.  The … 閱讀更多

SIS to Attend the International CEO Roundtable

NEW YORK: Jan 27—Representatives from SIS International Research will be attending the International CEO Roundtable in New York in February.

Roundtable topics include:

» International Sales & Marketing Strategies
Does your message translate? What mediums work in which markets? Discuss the latest marketing tools/strategies necessary to thrive in an international and inter-cultural environment and to become better marketers in the global marketplace.

» Optimizing the Supply Chain: Minimizing Costs & Production Time
Learn tactics for gaining better control over your supply chain by minimizing costs and shortening production time when doing business overseas and across borders.

» Reducing the Risks of Doing Business Overseas
Discuss the latest trends associated with risks in international trade for importing/exporting. Identify the best practices and risk management tools available to mitigate contingencies. Topics include, but are not limited to, currency fluctuations and payment and performance risk.

» Taping Into the Top Emerging Markets
Which emerging markets are opportunities for your business? Discuss the hottest markets and proven strategies for succeeding in them.


關於 SIS 國際研究

SIS International Research is a global market research and corporate intelligence firm, founded in 1984.  The company has served over 70% of the Fortune 500 and many of the world’s most influential organizations.  Learn more about SIS International Research at www.sismarketresearch.com

Food Service Industry Spotlight 2011

By Sonya Sobato; Rueya Ceylon, Research Analysts

The food service industry is one of the largest industries in the United States.

Statistics by the U.S Bureau of Labor state that food preparation and serving related sectors combined to be the third largest employer by occupational groups in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas.

It is indicated that 2011 could be an excellent year for the restaurant industry.  Sales are expected to climb up to a four year high, according to industry analysts.  A recently released report by research firm Technomic predicts that the total U.S food service sales will overshadow 2010 by an increase of 1.7% in sales on a nominal basis and dipping just 0.3% on a real basis, which takes inflation into menu price consideration.  And if this forecast is realized, it would be some of the highest growth since 2008.


汽車技術正在迅速發展。在 20 世紀的大部分時間裡,通用汽車、福特和克萊斯勒都是世界上最重要產業之一的最大公司。 但隨著汽車趨勢發生巨大變化,從 SUV 和油耗大的汽車轉向經濟型汽車和綠色機器,「底特律三巨頭」的銷量出現下滑… 閱讀更多

Christmas Marketing Analysis in 2010

By Rueya CeylanSonja Sobota, Research Analysts

For successful Christmas Marketing the marketer has to understand consumer habits of holiday shopping and new trends.  It is crucial to analyze the customer’s need and the tools used for holiday shopping.  With the internet already being a huge platform for today’s generation, online shopping has been taken to new stages.

The holiday shopping season starts with the usual Black Friday hype.  Manufacturers claim to have the newest items for the lowest prices.  The sale is announced in the newspapers, TV and radio stations.

Millions of shoppers storm into the malls and stores hoping to get a great bargain for the Christmas season.  As a result of the retail trade group, over 200 million consumers visited stores and websites over the Black Friday weekend. Last year’s results came up to 195 million.

Trends in the Baby Products Market

Here are some of the trends we are watching in the Baby Products market: Baby products are moving to more functional, ergonomic designs. Eco-friendly products are increasingly important to consumers of Baby Products. More co-branded products, such as those leveraging characters from favorite children’s TV shows, are emerging with new stylish offerings for parents. Manufacturers … 閱讀更多


2009年全球經濟衰退期間,巴西經濟堪稱「超級明星」經濟。 商界領袖正在審視拉丁美洲成長最快的經濟體之一的情況,估計面臨著 2010年GDP成長7%.
零售市場正在快速成長。該行業高度分散,主要由三個參與者主導:Pão de Açúcar、家樂福和沃爾瑪。 較小的本地連鎖店控制著一小部分行業活動,加劇了競爭並影響了大型連鎖店的客戶忠誠度。 產業整合可能成為提高獲利能力、增強市場影響力和減少競爭威脅的一種方式。  
經濟成長和發展導致中產階級的崛起,可支配收入增加。 食品消費佔巴西零售額的大部分。 炫耀性消費是否會成為這個新興市場的更大趨勢(就像在亞洲新興市場一樣)的問題引起了許多奢侈品零售商的興趣。 國外豪華汽車、名牌服飾等奢侈品 洪水 繁榮的巴西城市。 信貸和財務規劃提供者正在爭先恐後地滿足這些消費者的需求。  
為了吸引不斷增長的消費者階層,行銷人員將重點放在忠誠度、生活方式行銷和意識提升上,以利用巴西消費者的可支配收入。 據幾位 來源巴西經常使用社群網路的網路使用者比例最高。 大公司開始使用社群媒體等新科技向消費者傳達促銷訊息並回應客戶意見。

The New American Consumers Analysis: Trends Facing US Retailers

Following the “Great Recession” of 2009, consumers are living in the “new normal”.  Here are some of the changes facing consumers and retailers in 2010.  


Consumers are spending less. Coupons, private labeled goods, loyalty rewards cards, products in bulk, self-service and discount stores are increasingly part of the consumer’s protection against financial worries. Deflation in prices is a fear among retailers.

Consumers are both more educated and risk-averse when purchasing products.  They use product rating sites to read other users’ product ratings and to compare prices and functionality. 

American consumers increasingly seek to enhance their wellness without the help of a medical professional. Organic retail stores have become more mainstream, despite the obesity epidemic.

Redefined consumerism and values

American attitudes toward ravenous consumerism has changed.  According to one survey, 75% of respondents mentioned they would rather spend more time with family than make more money.

Consumers are increasingly pressured to pay off debt and consume only necessary products, instead of continue past consumption habits.

Increasingly, consumers want to know about product sustainability and the origination of goods.  Locally produced goods are increasingly becoming a fixture in supermarkets. 

Brick-and-Mortar not dying for all retailers

While brick-and-mortar shopping malls and video stores have declined, retail banks and specialty stores (e.g. Apple store and Sony Store) are still relevant to consumers. Online shopping and local retailers are gaining more importance. 

New consumption trends are emerging, such as online grocery shopping in urban areas.

Retailers finding new ways to be relevant to consumers 

Sophisticated digital signage is becoming a way for retailers to promote deals and track the effectiveness of in-store point of purchase advertising and messaging.

“Nostalgia marketing” is a rising trend, particularly with products targeted toward Baby Boomers. Marketers are creating goods emphasizing emotional connections to meaningful symbols. 

SIS Unveils China Business Transaction Data Suite

NEW YORK, May 20// SIS International Research announced today the launch of its company data services in China. The company described the customized service as a database of Chinese buyers, sellers and transaction data.  Clients request industry segments and individual specific target companies in China.  SIS provides 2 different sets of transaction data. One data … 閱讀更多

2010 年 AIMRI 羅馬會議的市場研究產業洞察

作者:研究主管 Michael Stanat

SIS 團隊前往羅馬,與行業領導者分享我們的觀點和研究,並獲得行業狀況的晴雨表。 2010年3月5日,我和SIS全球研究總監Neal Sandin代表SIS國際研究部參加了在羅馬舉行的2010年AIMRI線上市場研究和小組會議。 

