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Entertainment and Sports Market Research Experience

Entertainment and Sports Market Research Experience

SIS is a leading Market Research company. Explore our research experience in Entertainment and Sports Marketing.


  • Multi-country study in Asia for programming sports events.
  • Conducted a European study for promotion of soccer in selected countries.
  • Competitive Intelligence Study in the US for programming of sports events.
  • Conducted focus groups in the Middle East about attitudes towards sports events.
  • Conducted focus groups in major US cities about preferences Hispanics, African Americans, and Asians have when watching TV sports events.
  • Conducted study on Scotland Golf Travel Industry. This study determined Scotland to be a Golf destination due to an increase in number of golf tourists from the US.
  • Worldwide qualitative study regarding promotion for soccer/football fans.
  • Conducted telephone interviews with business owners, managing directors, and IT decision makers in SME’s.

A Sample of Our Past and Present Clients

  • ABC
  • BBC
  • Churchill & Co
  • CNN
  • NBC
  • 遊覽蘇格蘭

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