Every day, new technologies, consumer behaviors, and regulatory frameworks reshape how money moves, how businesses scale, and how people interact with financial services. If you’re not staying ahead of these changes, you’re already behind.
At SIS International Research, we don’t just track trends—we decode them. We work with fintech disruptors, legacy institutions, and everyone in between to provide roadmaps for winning the future of finance.
Why Fintech Market Research Matters
The fintech industry is fueled by disruption and innovation. Now, to succeed, you need more than just great ideas—you need precision, strategy, and deep market insights.
Spot opportunities before they go mainstream. The next big thing in fintech? It’s already happening. Market research helps you identify emerging technologies, shifting consumer expectations, and high-growth markets before your competitors do.
Decode your customers. Customers today want seamless, personalized, and instant financial solutions. Research reveals exactly what they need and how you can deliver it better than anyone else.
Navigate regulation like a pro. Fintech is a regulatory minefield. Market intelligence helps you stay compliant while scaling your business without roadblocks.
Fintech Market Research Trends in Detail:
- 微服務的採用率正在上升,因為它有可能使服務更具競爭力、相關性、需求性以及對市場變化的高度反應。
- 金融機構正致力於為其金融科技應用程式採用現代化的 IT 架構,以提供更快的產品發布、更輕鬆的合規性、即時支付和最大程度的敏捷性。
- Fintech companies and banks are tapping into the benefits of microservices as they realize the difficulty of modifying their digital services with a legacy system.
- 提高可擴展性 – reduced costs and low-security risks
- 更好的可重複使用性 – 微服務透過建構可組合的模組化服務來支援可重複使用性。
- 更快的上市時間 – 由於其模組化特性,微服務有助於更快的開發。
- 簡化調試和維護
- 彈性 – 由於微服務涉及小型、獨立的模組,因此單一微服務的故障不會影響整個應用程式。
- 高品質 – 微服務有助於在重點模組中運作。這有助於提高應用程式的整體品質。
Fintech technologies are a desirable solution for many traditional lending companies looking to leverage advanced business functionalities and financial processes. Many Fintech startups are looking forward to selling their technology platforms as a service to corporations in the field. These FaaS platforms integrate seamlessly with any existing back-office of traditional banks and provide for non-banks a cost-effective and fast way to launch various financial products and services.
- SaaS模式已成為市場上最受歡迎、最有效的解決方案之一。在每個行業中,客戶和企業都看到了該解決方案在增加收入和穩定性方面的潛力。
- 當今蓬勃發展、技術領先的商業界與傳統金融系統之間存在著差距。金融科技即服務是一個完美的解決方案,可以幫助金融業縮小差距並利用科技來擴展業務。
- 鼓勵銀行以新方式利用其現有能力
- 有助於縮小金融科技與銀行之間的數位化差距
- 銀行業和金融科技業發展更快、更有效率。新的支付解決方案、新的身份驗證(KYC)方法、更好的反洗錢只是將出現巨大創新和改進的一些領域。
嵌入式金融(例如,先買後付計劃、嵌入式保險選項)和銀行即服務產品以及相關合作夥伴關係將出現強勁增長。事實上,波士頓顧問集團(BCG) 5 月發布的一項針對15 個國家的調查發現,18 至34 歲的人群中,有44% 的人在COVID-19 危機期間首次註冊了線上或行動銀行業務。
- 這些公司採用嵌入式金融(非銀行機構提供的類似銀行服務)的目的是留住客戶並增加他們所謂的終身價值。
- 為了滿足日益增長的嵌入式金融需求,金融機構越來越多地提供銀行即服務 (BaaS),即捆綁產品,通常是白標或聯合品牌服務,非銀行機構可以使用它們來服務其客戶。
- 客戶期望整合的體驗。金融科技和銀行將與各種合作夥伴合作,以滿足他們的期望。
- 新的商業模式和收入來源。特別有利的是具有可擴展的商業模式和固定IT投資(例如,分發模型)的來源。
- 採用技術能力。隨著自動化和 API 等數位化的加速,金融科技可以更快地擴展 BaaS,讓更多考慮嵌入式金融的公司觸手可及。
- 近年來,加密貨幣在投資市場佔據主導地位。比特幣或狗狗幣每天都會出現在新聞中,馬斯克的推文只會增加該領域的受歡迎程度。
- 機構興趣增加、待批准的 ETF 以及穩定幣的普及等一些新進展表明持續的積極趨勢。
- 很多人都想匿名,尤其是在社群媒體時代。加密貨幣是增強隱私和保護資料安全的機會。
- 就投資而言,加密貨幣市場極具吸引力。儲蓄帳戶利息的下降以及股票和債券投資回報率的低只會增加對加密貨幣等另類投資的需求。
- 各國政府正將加密貨幣置於聚光燈下。中國已經推出了第一種數位貨幣。
There has been a rise in the demand for new forms of digital payments, which are much more secure and reliable. This has been able to transform payments into an open ecosystem where various parties like FinTechs, banks, payment firms, etc, are trying to evolve the digital payment system by introducing new technologies. The government, on their part, is trying to come up with certain regulations in order to reduce the ecosystem threats.
We were able to notice a massive growth in digital payment transactions in the span of 4 to 5 years, but with the pandemic, the growth was motivated by the need for cashless and contactless payments. Thus, Non-cash transactions are seen to be on a robust growth path.
- COVID-19 強化了支付和零售商務中跨支付類型和人口統計數位化採用的趨勢。
- 然而,數位成長的前景並不完全樂觀——消費者信任度略有下降,儘管越來越多的消費者轉向數位支付,但目前尚不清楚所有最近的行為轉變是否會是永久性的。
- 全通路對於滿足客戶期望至關重要。雖然數位支付滲透率已基本穩定,但全通路採用率顯著成長。
- 線上支付猛增。 2020 年,美國非接觸式卡的認知度和採用率大約翻了一番。
- 顧客不想使用現金。刷卡卡和非接觸式卡的市佔率正在增加,而實體店的現金使用量卻大幅下降。
- In the last decade, customer behaviors and expectations have changed dramatically. The way they do shopping, buy food, or use services is moved into digital. However, a lot of banks could not keep up with this change and that’s why Fintech gained a significant portion of the market.
- 金融科技提供更快、更便宜的創新且用戶友好的解決方案。此外,金融科技可以快速適應新的市場趨勢和挑戰。
- 金融科技將成為銀行 並嘗試成為大型銀行(例如Revolut 或N26)的直接競爭對手。
- 銀行需要調整其服務和產品以滿足當前客戶的期望。因此,銀行數位化對於維持市場競爭力至關重要。
- 金融科技與銀行將更頻繁地合作 並為客戶提供獨特的解決方案(例如 Tink 新創公司使用開放銀行技術來幫助客戶)。
- AI and machine learning are helping in many complicated finance processes. Managing assets, evaluating levels of risk, calculating credit scores, and even approving loans are using algorithms to improve efficiency and increase revenues.
- 由於大量數據,金融對於機器學習來說是一個有吸引力的領域,因為當大量數據輸入系統時,它在得出見解和做出預測方面往往會更加準確。
- Better fraud detection and prevention. Machine learning works by scanning through large data sets to detect unique activities or anomalies and flag them for further investigation by security teams.
- Robo-advisors help with portfolio management. Robo-advisors require low account minimums and are usually cheaper than human portfolio managers.
- 改善貸款或提供保險的流程。
Final Thoughts from Ruth Stanat, CEO of SIS International Research
Fintech is moving at warp speed, and if you’re still relying on outdated insights, you’re setting yourself up to lose. Market research isn’t just about tracking trends—it’s about owning the future.
在 SIS國際研究, we deliver real-time fintech intelligence so our clients don’t just adapt to change
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