

Last year, New York University (NYU) announced an agreement with the Emirate of Abu Dhabi to build NYU Abu Dhabi. The research university, with a complete integration of a liberal arts and science college, will be the “first world-class, liberal arts university in the Middle East.”

紐約大學阿布達比分校仍在建設中,第一個正式學年計劃於2010 年秋季開始。本科生。招收的學生來自世界各地,特別是廣大的中東和南亞地區。

校園將位於距離阿布達比海岸 500 公尺的薩迪亞特島。該島尚未開發,但正在規劃容納 15 萬人口。

The convergence of NYU and Abu Dhabi, the capital of both the emirate of Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates, highlights every university’s race to take the lead on globalization. An increasing number of American research universities have been expanding internationally, many of which have created programs in the Middle East.

For instance, Weill Cornell Medical College, set up the first overseas American medical school in Qatar, and Yale University has been discussing the creation of an arts institute in Abu Dhabi.

Thomas L. Friedman was right in saying the world is flat; globalization has truly hit a new peak and is only intensifying, whether in education or in business.

Sources: www.nyuad.nyu.edu

SIS International Market Research.  Education Market Research, Middle East, Abu Dhabi



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