



It is common to face challenges if your product is too expensive or cheap. Products priced higher than expectations may not be consumed, while products priced lower than expectations will generate distrust about their quality. Therefore, correctly pricing is crucial for your brand. Pricing Market Research helps companies to become more profitable and efficient in satisfying their customers. Understanding how customers perceive value (benefits versus risk) is essential to business growth.

雖然一些企業家和企業管理者傾向於透過反覆試驗和直覺來設定價格,但有一種更科學的方法可以幫助最大化利潤和客戶滿意度。 Van Westendrop 市場研究是一種強大的方法,可以透過統計精度幫助優化定價,並有助於提高利潤。


Van Westendrop 價格分析由四個問題組成:

  1. 在什麼價格下您會認為該產品太貴而您會考慮不購買?
  2. 在什麼價格下您會認為該產品定價太低,並且因此您會覺得該產品或服務的品質很差?
  3. 在什麼價格下您會認為該產品變得太貴——這不是不可能的,但您必須考慮購買它?
  4. 您認為該產品的價格是多少才算便宜—物有所值?



SIS 國際市場研究與策略


  1. 我的產品定價是否太高?
  2. 我的產品價格是否太低?
  3. 我的產品價格是否夠高,足以讓人認為它很優質?
  4. 我的產品價格是否足夠低,足以讓人們認為他們應該立即購買?




Value can be defined as what the customer will get in exchange for their money (benefits minus risk). Value can also refer to what the company will get in exchange for its product.

Market Research dives even deeper to understand value — benefits minus risk — by understanding in-depth and measuring precisely how customers quantify the value of benefits. Examples of benefits include emotional connections and functional benefits (e.g., do the features work as intended). Pricing research and customer value analysis can help answer questions such as: Is the product desirable? Do I need it? How do consumers interact with that product? And many more questions. Pricing Market Research can help better understand Willingness to Pay, product volume and customer segmentation.

Other variables in pricing, such as seasonality, that Market Research can help address. For instance, if you are selling umbrellas, their value increases on a rainy day, and prices can be adjusted to boost profit. But by how much?


Pricing communicates value and is essential for branding, new product launches, profitability, marketing strategy, Return on Investment (ROI), operational efficiency, customer acquisition, customer retention and consistent revenue generation.

The relationship between pricing and product placement is also very important for your business. If your advertisements target a group of people with fine tastes, the pricing should be appropriate for those segments or personas.


SIS 國際市場研究與策略

Let us say your company sells handmade organic fried potatoes, and you have identified your target segment and understand their needs. For example, your results may look like the following:

  1. $12一包太貴,一般人不會買;
  2. 一包 $2 太便宜了,大多數人會懷疑它們是否真的是手工製作和有機的;
  3. $9一包會讓大多數人好奇併購買,但如果土豆不是他們吃過的最美味的土豆,他們就不會再購買並留下差評;
  4. $5 一包會讓大多數人認為它確實很便宜,並且可能會嘗試一下。

While intuitively, it might seem great to be at $5 or $9, you are actually wasting potential profit by selling at that price. Usually, the product price has to target the intersections and relationships between those points, where it is getting too cheap or too expensive.

Now, it is also not correct to declare that $6.50 is the perfect price because we did not go deep enough to understand the product dynamics, brand considerations, or market landscape. Van Westendorp Market Research only gets you that far. Market Research helps provide nuance to the findings.


Van Westendorp Market Research is a useful tool for understanding product pricing and value. It provides helpful statistics and insight into branding, strategy, products, and marketing effectiveness. To generate a full view of a marketing strategy, it is important to add nuance from the market landscape, customer recommendations, and customer opinions in addition to the Van Westendorp measurements.

Van Westerndorp helps companies maximize profits and provide customers with perceived value. The more research conducted, the better the results. Brand or product launches that disregard the science of pricing have a greater chance of failure—and, understandably, of not maximizing profit.

SIS International Research 數十年來一直進行範韋斯滕多普市場研究和定量定價市場研究。請聯絡我們以了解您的下一個範韋斯滕多普市場研究計畫。


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