

Is your company in need of Data 一個nalytics?

Do you feel your business is missing effectiveness, but you don’t know where the problem is? Having support from a professional Data & 一個nalytics team is your best bet. It can improve the effectiveness and profitability of your business.

However, setting up an internal Data & 一個nalytics team is an expensive and challenging task. Furthermore, it will take time for the new team to become productive. Until then, it will not add value to the organization.

Have you considered outsourcing your Data & 一個nalytics department? A professional consultancy office can provide you with the necessary analysis and reports. They can do so in a cost-effective manner. By outsourcing Data 一個nalysis, you will also receive the required reports fast.

At SIS Research, our reports are clear and easy to digest. We have experienced agents. They can gather and analyze your data much more quickly than an internal team could do.

我們的 Data & 一個nalytics outsourcing teams know many analytical techniques. We can create insight into all your business processes. With more awareness, decision-making becomes more natural and more effective. You will lead your department or company in the right direction.

At SIS Research, we offer the following services:

  • Creating a Data Visualization & 時間ableau. This tool shows your results in a graphical manner, which is easy to digest and understand. We can make it according to your requirements and wishes.
  • Regression 一個nalysis shows the relationship between two or more variables. This tool helps you understand how the components in the system relate to each other. It shows the elements that need to improve to create a positive impact on the organization.
  • With the Conjoint 一個nalysis, you check how your products and services perform. You also see how your customers perceive them. It breaks down the different components and features of your products and services. Customers can thus rate separate parts. This rating will provide valuable information to marketing teams.
  • Predictive 一個nalytics predict future patterns and trends. By analyzing historical data, we can predict future outcomes.
  • Analysis of variance (ANOVA) compares the difference between more than two variables. To be more specific, it examines the variation within groups. It also analyzes the change between groups. ANOVA is a helpful tool to understand more complicated datasets.
  • Montecarlo Analysis allows researchers to run several trials. Thus, we can define all possible outcomes of an event or investment.
  • Data 中號odeling looks at the concepts you want to track data for, and they become the tables in a database.
  • SQL & Python is another tool for analysis, which gives data scientists many options. This tool makes it easy to process, query, and use data collected.
  • We offer ROA & ROE analysis. ROA stands for Return on Assets, and ROE is Return on Equity.
  • 一個 Deseasonalized Report is where we strip your data of its seasonal patterns.

我們也提供 Comprehensive 一個nalysis ackage. It includes the following:

  • 盒子分析
  • 信賴區間
  • 異常值分析
  • Distribution, Skewness & Kurtosis 一個nalysis
  • Alpha、F 統計、p 值等。

A market research company can provide your business with the above types of analysis, which will create a more in-depth understanding of your company, products, and services. It can also help with your finances, efficiency, and more. Data & 一個nalytics outsourcing is low-cost, efficient, and reliable, and it’s the way to a better understanding of your operation. Of course, these techniques are only a small sample. You can expect much more from a professional market research company.

A market research company will check the efficiency of your business processes. It will also look at the products/services you offer. It examines the relationships of different components within the business, eases the decision-making process, and makes it more effective. The high-quality analysis and reports will guide your decisions.



SIS 國際研究與策略創辦人兼執行長。她在策略規劃和全球市場情報方面擁有 40 多年的專業知識,是幫助組織取得國際成功值得信賴的全球領導者。

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