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Importance of Focus Groups as a Qualitative Method

Focus groups are becoming a central means of conducting qualitative research in healthcare. They allow researchers to collect data about the beliefs of participants. They also give insights into participants’ opinions and values. They are well-suited for tackling cultural characteristics that influence people’s health status.

This type of research can help health professionals develop education programs. These programs have become important as more countries embrace cultural diversity. They also help researchers better understand the needs of minorities. Focus groups are a boon for other vulnerable groups facing disparities in healthcare.

Rise of Health Tech and Digital Disruption

Digital health, or health tech, uses technology to improve the delivery of care. It also enhances consumption and payment for care. Health tech is useful for sub-sectors such as insurance, hospitals, and practitioners. It is also essential to sectors dealing with pharmaceuticals, consumer-facing services, and government. It’s easy to see the potential of the partnership between health and technology.

The healthcare industry has faced many scientific breakthroughs over the past few years. One of the major trends disrupting the industry is smart technology. It enables smooth functioning and reduces hospital administrators’ tedious work. The Internet of Medical Things is another disruptor. The IoMT incorporates medical devices and applications. It allows the transfer of medical information over secure networks. The third disruptor is telehealth. This is a combination of document sharing, mobile technology, and teleconferencing.

Whom Do We Serve?

SIS International conducts focus groups with physicians, key opinion leaders, and specialists. We also convene groups for procurement managers, hospital administrators, and chiefs of staff. Also, we serve C-Suite hospital and medical device executives. Our services are also for patient care coordinators and caregivers.

Benefits of Focus Groups

A focus group enables healthcare providers to gauge consumer response. Focus groups offer instant ideas for the enhancement of certain products or concepts. They also help to pinpoint the product requirements of the end-user. They alert providers to other needs that they are not addressing. Other benefits include:

  • New Product Launches. It’s hard to know whether consumers will like a new product or service or how well it will sell. Healthcare providers can engage a research company to test an offering. They can carry out this test with a sample of potential consumers before it goes to market. Focus groups give honest feedback about what they like about a product or service. Providers can use this feedback to improve the design of the product or service.
  • App and Usability Testing. This type of testing is different from focus groups. Instead of assessing what users have to say, the method observes how people use a product. The tester assigns essential tasks to users and analyzes their performance and experience. Providers can use it to see if a new product or service works. Unlike focus groups, researchers conduct focus group testing one on one.
  • Exploring Willingness to Pay. Focus groups can gauge whether consumers will be willing to pay for new medical procedures. The group can discuss the need for the procedure and how much they think it’s worth. This exercise may have a positive influence on pricing. It may make medical procedures more affordable.


Focus groups have gone online. This type of focus group has obvious benefits, such as saving time in a busy world. Online focus groups are a godsend for patient-participants. Many participants are receiving treatments that limit their mobility. Another benefit is the fact that participants feel more comfortable at home. They are thus more likely to open up.

The online focus group offers access to respondents from marginalized and understudied populations. This access is critical when researching diseases with low incidence rates. The online focus group is a true marvel that has advanced the field of medical research.

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