SIS is a leading Market Research and Strategy Consulting company. We have over 40+ years experience in the Personal Care Product market. The following is a selection of our past project experience
Hair Care
- Conducted focus groups in the US with hairdressers to determine their attitudes toward a new bleaching product.
- Competitive Intelligence Tracking Studies to identify new products.
- Quantitative Study with consumers to determine their attitudes toward new hair care products in the US.
Skin Care
- Conducted mall intercept product to determine consumers’ attitudes toward a new skin care products.
- Conducted market entry study for skin care products in China.
- Conducted in-depth interviews of skin care product users (women and men) who were interested in organic products, luxury beauty products, a sustainable lifestyle, and who were environmentally conscious.
- Study created for the development and launch of a high-end skin care product line with a focus on understanding the target’s attitudes and to develop product concepts.
- Conducted Eye Cream Product testing with product placement over 11 days for consumer feedback
Oral Care
- Conducted ongoing tracking studies for new oral care products.
- Conducted focus groups for a new toothbrush in the US.
- Toothbrush Distributor Research in the US for an Asian firm.
Vision Care
- Several market analyses in Europe on contact lens products.
- Conducted focus groups for consumers in Europe for hard and soft contact lens.
- In-depth analysis into a Vision Care laboratory in the US.
- Conducted a Competitive Intelligence study on competitors in the contact lens and contact solutions markets.
Conducted Focus Groups for fragrance testing (Perfume Sensuality Study).
Sample of Current and Past Clients:
- 雅芳
- Bausch&Lomb
- Colgate Palmolive
- Goldwell
- 雅詩蘭黛
- Lever Brothers
- Primavera
- Procter and Gamble
- 露華濃
- 資生堂
- Firmenich International Fine Fragrance Center