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What is Ideation? What is an Ideation Workshop?

In both the consumer and B2B marketplace, the goal of ideation (or the ideation process) is not just to generate ideas. Instead, it should focus on how to best satisfy any unmet needs of your customers.  An ideation workshop involves a creative process to address this challenge. In many respects it is similar to what is often called a brainstorming session. Ideally it leads to the development of improved or previously unimagined new products or line extensions. Market research can be used as a preliminary step to learn what consumers need or desire to do easier, faster, cheaper, or more effectively. Personal interviews, focus groups, online or telephone surveys are just a few methods that can help to uncover some of these needs. The gist of the questions would revolve around “what else would you like…?” 

How do you conduct an ideation workshop?

One of the earliest tasks is to find a qualified moderator – almost always a professional from outside your company who has experience running such exercises. Next, in order to obtain the broadest possible feedback, between 8 and 12 members from inside your organization should be invited to participate. They should possess a diversity of traits or characteristics, e.g. gender, age group, management level, job function. In the workshop, all individuals and their ideas should be treated equally, without judgment or bias. Participants may not know each other, and except for their first names, need no further identification.

  • 有許多常用的性格「測驗」可以幫助將人們歸類為某些類別。例如,邁爾斯-布里格斯會提出一系列問題,然後將人們分配到 16 種人格類型中的一種,其中一些可能更加內向、外向、直覺、分析或創造力。


  • 由於短缺或價格上漲,如果您無法使用某些成分或材料來生產產品怎麼辦?
  • 如何才能以一半的時間或一半的成本完成一項任務?
  • 其他行業的公司將如何解決這個問題?


  • 不同顏色和尺寸的便利貼
  • 活動掛圖
  • 白板
  • 不同顏色的標記
  • 玩具、物品或遊戲可減輕緊張、營造有趣的氛圍並激發創意思維


What should be the outcome of an ideation workshop?



Ultimately, terrific ideas for innovative new products or services that solve problems for your customers will be the outcome.[/fusion_text]



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