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Market Research in the United States

Market Research in Munich

Economically speaking, the state capital of Bavaria is one of the most vibrant regions in Germany, one of the largest economies in the world.

Blockchain Market Research

SIS FinTech Research Consulting provides data, insights and strategies for launching new Blockchain solutions.

Beauty Innovation Consulting

SIS is a leading Beauty Business Innovation Consulting firm providing Idea Generation, Trend Tracking, Product Testing, and Go To Market Strategies.

Pharmaceutical Market Research

Market Research provides insight, data and solutions for Pharmaceutical companies. Learn more about Pharmaceutical Market Research.

Smart Home Market Research

It’s an exciting time for people with connected devices. Discover how businesses can grow revenues and build new products for customers.

Market Research in Albany

Albany has approximately 100,000 residents, and nearly 1 million people live in the Albany metropolitan area, known as the Capital District. 

Market Research in Maryland

SIS conducts Market Research and Strategy projects in Maryland. We conduct Focus Groups, Customer Interviews and Strategic Market Assessments.

Market Research in Manchester

Manchester is England’s second most populous urban area. SIS provides Full-Service Qualitative, Quantitative and Strategy Research solutions in Manchester.

Market Research in Scotland

SIS provides Focus Group, Fieldwork, Data Collection and Strategy Research solutions in Edinburgh and Glasgow in Scotland.